Manufacturers and Dealers B.O.L.

If anyone requests a T&E Firearm for "GreyLocke at the Gun Blog Black List", please do not send anything back to them, not even a response. And please forward the e-mails with full headers in HTML format to my e-mail address below. Please also take screen shots in .JPG, .GIF or .BMP format and send them as well. For the record, I DO NOT request T&E Firearms. I DO test ammunition, but for the most part I only test firearms I myself have personally purchased OR firearms borrowed from friends who personally purchased them for themselves. Also for my blogging purposes I ONLY use the below e-mail address. So if it is not from it, it's ISN'T me. My E-mail is greylocke (at) gmail (dot) com Thank You. Mark/GreyLocke

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