Morning my lovelies,
How are you all? I've been loving this warm weather lately. I mentioned in my last post that I've been getting back into my health & fitness, but I hate running & walking on my own.. so I've been dragging my dogs with me! I say dragging, Harvey is only too happy to accompany me & Honey, well, depends on her mood! You can see from the second photo along that she's more into chocolate eggs than an exercise routine!
I managed to have a catch up with Gemma last Thursday. We went to one of the unhealthiest places to eat in our local town.. just look at that crepe! It was filled with chocolate & praline oh & a helping of cream on the side. Delicious. And is it just me, or does everything taste better when it's in a glass with a straw?
My mum bought me the cutest mug last week, I've fallen in love with robins even more this year as a family have decided to nest near our house. The come & sit near you if your in the garden & are so beautiful to watch.
Last Friday I drove up to Gloucester to visit James at uni. We went shopping, watched movies & ate Chinese. It was such a lovely chilled weekend. I said goodbye to him yesterday & drove back home. I won't see him now for a month because of exams, which is heart wrenching, but least we still have ways of keeping in touch. (That's a lot more than we had when he went to Africa!)
Finally, our first two ducklings were born! This little one is just the cutest. If you've ever held a ducking, they're one of the wriggliest animals to hold! I could only keep this one still long enough for a quick photo before it was squirming around again. So cute.
How has your week been lovelies? : )