(en) Turkey, Meydan #25 - Interview: "If our occupation Ed Gynecology Male Date Body" (tr)

(en) Turkey, Meydan #25 - Interview: "If our occupation Ed
Gynecology Male Date Body" (tr) [machine translation]

Ignored for centuries by patriarchal culture, print, rendered invisible, to be isolated 
from all areas of social life which is required under attack not only women were male 
existence. For centuries, the woman's body was also the target of male dominance. Women 
sometimes slaves, sometimes it was the subject of male domination; diagnosis before his 
body, the man became a doctor of science subjects. "Investigation worth" the female body, 
with cruel experiments were raided for centuries. ---- Now, the history of women's health 
and focus on obstetrics gynecology science is based right here. With pain, torture 
"discovered" the woman, and in the names of the men who are the killers, now condemned to 
carry the body. ---- Gynecological history of men and women again be remembered on a 
project Anarchagland ignored during this time. Showdown with compressed male names to 
female reproductive organs; each experiment, the names of the murdered women to remind us 
... Klaar from Anarchagland project, murdered slave women in gynecological experiments, 
Anarcha's, Lucy and shared with us the story of the Betsey'n; Our body should be removed 
and disposed of why the names of the men told the imprisoned murderer.

Square : Hi Klai. Firstly, can you talk a little bit about yourself?

Anarchagland / Klai: Hello. I'm living in a cooperative called Catalonia Ca le Fou. In 
this cooperative, we are building a new culture outside the capitalist cycle; production 
is doing with the different projects we have implemented, we are trying to fix our vital 
needs. At the same time, I'm taking part in Anarchagland project aimed at rewriting the 
history of the female body.

What exactly is it you intend to Anarchagland project and the project?

Anarchagland, gynecology made on the history, an independent research project. We also aim 
at rewriting the history of gynecology with this project.

How did Anarchagland project? How did you decide on this research?

In preparing the text of a presentation, female ejaculation glands, so Skene's glands, 
name, I learned that the gynecologist Alexander came from Its scene. Its scene is who he 
is, I started thinking about how he built his career and this detail, he took me to the 
beginning of gynecology. My investigation deepens, the teacher can be considered Its scene 
Doctor J. Marion Sims and knowing who they are, that we carry in our bodies the names of 
many men I met.

Sims anarchia the experiment table, and waiting with anxious eyes as
Lucy and Betsey

Who were these men, can you talk a little bit?

Doctor Sims, "the father of modern gynecology" as defined in the history of medicine. The 
reason he is so popular The Sims' career; His work for the treatment of vesicovaginal and 
rectovaginal fistula disease. Sims, out of 14 women used throughout the work carried out, 
however, said his research on three black woman slave: anarchia, Lucy and Betsey. Doctor 
Sims, in order to improve the treatment of the disease, tried numerous surgical techniques 
on these three slave women; Anarchia, Lucy and Betsey, all these studies along the 
"research object" was used as such.

Continuing research in the years 1845-1849 Sims, made a full 30 different operations on 
anarchia. All during this time, the operation is not implemented any woman undergoing 
anesthesia. Skene also, that such a gynecologist, the favorite student of.

Skene and Bartholin Gland:

Women are glands located on the sides of the hole urine output. These glands expand during 
sexual intercourse in women, and increased secretory function. Sexual arousal in women 
during the secretion is discharged outside the outermost portion of the urethra, thereby 
forming a portion of the secretion formed around the vagina during sexual intercourse. The 
most important task of this epidemic is to provide lubrication during sexual intercourse.

Bartholin's glands are the glands health and left with the vaginal entrance is located on 
both sides. These glands secrete a secretion during sexual intercourse, increases the 

So Its scene is also, like Sims, under the name of research, is concerned that applying 
torture against women?

Of course. Women's giving its name to the discharge in the vaginal area, Alexander Skene 
glands also, at least until doctors Sims, a gynecologist with torture increasing 
competence in the field of medicine. 72 different tool used in gynecology corporate 
inventor of Skene, during all these inventions, in a similar way, had tortured women. 
Skene, the inventor of the most widely used tool during a gynecological speculum 
examination, while the process of testing each tool clamps and the like, became a torture 
for women.

Vesicovaginal and rectovaginal fistulas:

Vesicovaginal fistula in the bladder due to a growing and abnormal small tubes called 
fistulas between the vagina, vagina urine in the bladder and the vagina escape is flowing 
out causes involuntary urine leakage and continuous. The disease has recently made 
particularly difficult birth, or can be seen in women who had surgery in gynecology.

The rectovaginal fistula, the last part of the colon is a condition that occurs between 
the channel connection and vagina. In this case goes to the stool in the rectum and vagina 
patients complain of stool or gas coming from the vagina. Trauma and surgical procedures 
depends on the cause of rectovaginal fistula between birth and comes first.

Yet women in the vaginal region and the name of the gland that enables the production of 
cloth to provide lubrication during sexual intercourse in the epidemic, the torturer is 
coming from a man: Bartholin Gland.

In particular, witches, beggars, black and carrying out research on the history of the 
bodies of the poor in Gland Sims and Skene so tortured. Gland doing research on the 
cyclical development of the gestation period of about 40 women, were killed at different 
stages of pregnancy; that his "research" is meant that the women who cut the belly and the 
baby was intended to follow the progress periodically. Place in the history of gynecology 
men who they actually become an "anatomy killer" is.

In fact, everything you told me, to destroy the desired women in all spheres of life, 
developed in the history of medicine , such as a summary of bookmarks. So Anarchagland 
project, what he says against all these torturers doctor?

We want the scientific developments of our body removed and discarded for the sake of the 
names of the men who murdered women. For that reason, the gland that reproduces the male 
population by moving the names of our vaginal area and does not recognize the names Its 
scene; Skene's gland anarchia gland, and the Bartholin's glands and Betsey'n We call on 
the name of Lucy.

A woman and her baby, who was murdered in experimental Gynecology

In all areas of life, while further reinforcing the fight against all men by suppressing 
female masculinity, we believe that these names should be deleted from our body. 
Therefore, the "man" the league is finished to the finest point in the gynecology "woman" 
is rewriting history; Anarchia, Lucy and Betsey We are giving our bodies today.


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