Cahide Harputlu/Beritan Elyakut - KOBANÊ – Anarchists who traveled to Kobanê to see the
revolution for themselves and to make a documentary say the Rojava revolution is an
example of what anarchists have tried to bring to life throughout their history of
struggle. ---- Zeki Yılmaz and Su Ender, of the International of Anarchist Federations,
are currently in Kobanê, where they came to acquaint the world with the revolution ongoing
in Rojava by making a documentary. ---- "In Kobanê, at the same time as there's a war,
there's a new life being woven here," explained Su. "Because of the morale built here,
there's a really wonderful solidarity between people." She said that the struggle in
Rojava had a number of points of intersection with the anarchist struggle around the world.
"We see a number of things that we have very much in common with the society being built
here. Along with the federal structure, there's the fact that women are so much in the
forefront here," she said. "From the very beginning, an important mission of this
revolution has been for women to always be in the front ranks."
She touched on the history of the anarchist movement, noting that women like Emma Goldman
would be at home in Rojava.
"There have been a number of anarchist societies in history, but they have been small and
short-lived," she said. "The system and thinking here is very broad, including many
cultures, languages, religions and ethnic identities. For there to be a society like this
is extraordinary; it's a first in history."
Zeki Yılmaz says their group had long been in close conversation with people in Kobanê,
but they returned to Kobanê to make their connections more concrete. They have been
working in the city with the people for the last two and a half months, particularly
trying to show the human toll of war on the people there.
"They say it's like Stalingrad, but it's worse than that," he said. "You need to analyze
this place according to its own conditions. It's been totally ruined, more than
Stalingrad, and the people have suffered more. In addition to all this, we're talking
about a people whose country has been sacked, whose language and culture have been ignored.
"However much we can express anarchism in theory, there are few examples of it being
brought to life," said Zeki. "That's why the system being brought to life here is so
important to us."
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» (en) Alt. Media, Anarchists: 'we found the Rojava revolution to be our own'