B is for burrow and best buds.

"OK, Audrey...it's back to your lessons."
"The letter B is for Burrow, which you seem to love to do. You do become invisible, there's no doubt about that.  And I can never find you. I look for hours, calling your name. Sometimes I panic and fear I will never see you again. But I know you can't hear me in your little dark cave or you would answer me like a good kitty, right?" *kiss, kiss, hug, hug*

                                          "Ever wonder who ties her shoelaces for her?"

But, of course, it's not always all about Audrey.
The weekend was a busy one. We had visits and breakfast out with little Gwynn, shopped for mouse-house home-improvement supplies and I raked for hours to clear a path to the back stone fence.
Now I'm surfing pinterest for ideas on creating a walk-way. 
Oh, the fun never stops.
I should have big muscles by the end of this Spring if it doesn't kill me.

My little Red is becoming very friendly and hangs out of his drive-thru to watch me tidy up the lot.

I shared a piece of 12 grain bread with him today and now we are best buds.

"BEST BUDS."  "Hear that, Audrey?"

hugs, Deb

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