1953 Styling Sketches by Wayne Takeuchi

The October 1953 issue of Hop Up magazine, its title transitioning to Motor Life, was edited by George Hill, who just had the job handed over from respected automotive journalist Dean Batchelor.   Its feature article by another noted (at the time) writer, Eugene Jaderquist, was "1954 Styling Predictions."  The magazine cover and article were illustrated by Wayne Takeuchi, described as a 21 year old scholarship student at the Art Center School in Los Angeles (now the Art Center College of Design, located in Pasadena, California).  Unfortunately, neither my own library resources nor a short Google search turned up anything regarding Takeuchi's professional career; if anyone can supply details, please comment.

The predictive sketches were not particularly accurate, but I was taken by the cover illustrations of a small, sporty Lincoln designed by Takeuchi.


Scan of the magazine cover.

Rendering of the design for a Lincoln (perhaps Ford Motor Company funded Takeuchi's scholarship).  The most creative feature is the way the backlight (jargon for back window) is linked to the rear side windows.  The normal treatment would be a stout C-pillar.  Moreover, a 1953-vintage hardtop would have no B-pillar, the side windows retracting to yield a convertible-like void between the A- (front) and C- (rear) pillars supporting the roof.  In effect, Takeuchi pulled a styling switcheroo and made it look very attractive.

Front and rear 3/4 views of the Lincoln design.  It seems too airy for Lincoln, a luxury brand, but might have made for a nice Ford, Chevrolet or Studebaker.

Some of Takeuchi's 1954 prediction sketches.

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