The Navy and Congress have yet to find money for a newly created account designed to pay for the services’ fleet of next-generation nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarines slated to begin service in 2031 – the Ohio Replacement Program.
The special fund is a product of the concern from lawmakers and admirals that the cost of the Ohio Replacement program would bankrupt the rest of the Navy’s shipbuilding budget.
As a result, the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act established the National Sea-Based Deterrence Fund – a special account created specifically to fund the Ohio Replacement program. However, Congress has yet to assign any funding to the account.
Update #1: Navy’s next-generation nuclear submarine fund is empty -- Washington Times
Update #2: US Fails to Find Funding for Next-Generation Nuclear Submarines – Reports -- Sputnik
WNU Editor: I can understand why the US Navy is so hesitant .... the first Ohio replacement submarine is expected to cost $12.4 billion!!!!!