The Middle Class ATM Machine Is Empty

Clueless gamblers are skydiving without a parachute
Riots are never as good as a bailout
Investors who bought the dip, or otherwise bought and held through 2008, are in for a rude fucking awakening. There will be no bailout this time, so essentially there is no safety net beneath this massively leveraged clusterfuck. Those counting on the Fed to precisely time the next QE to coincide with history's largest liquidity withdrawal will be likewise surprised. The Bernanke "put" didn't stop Lehman and the 55% S&P drawdown, and it won't stop history's largest meltdown. 

This just in:
5.4 million homes ARE STILL underwater from 2008 the last time Wall Street used the Middle Class as their personal ATM machine. Meanwhile Goldman Sachs just got paid $2 billion back profit from 2008

Hazardous Immorality Visualized:
The "best rally ever", accompanying the first non-recovery in U.S. history
Value Line Arithmetic Average
Going back 40 years to 1975:
% Change lower pane:

In a slowing economy, investors seek growth over value. Biotech over Dow
We're bypassing 2007, straight to 2008:
Growth: Value Ratio

Reverse Shock Doctrine
Only the most clueless and self-absorbed frat boys would assume that they will get bailed out again by the same Middle Class that they outsourced.

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