The morning brought a fresh blanket of snow and the sun peaked out from behind the clouds. The feeders were very active with a handful of chickadees and a dozen or so of our rather amusing black crows. I watched as they scratched the new snow looking for yesterday's seed. They like to sit above the feeders sometimes and watch for me to appear with some tid-bits.
I started the day enjoying some of my blue and white. The Salt Box was found in a thrift shop last year. The only marking on it is Germany.
Coffee in a teacup. For some odd reason it tastes better to me. Blueberry scones from our local shop were so delicious with a few fresh blueberries on the side.
Next on our to-do list is to add the trim to our windows. The kitchen window is first since I can see the feeders from there. And, I have located the cupboard drawers and the doors to my armoire.
The fun continues. :)
Hugs, Deb