Myanmar Has Accidentally Bombed A Chinese Village While Battling Kokang Rebels

A map showing the location of Burma's Kokang region. Graphic: RFA

Washington Times: Myanmar bombed Chinese village

A Myanmar government MiG-29 fighter plane on March 8 flew over a Chinese village in the border province of Yunnan and dropped a bomb on a house believed to be a safe haven for the Kokang rebels. No major casualty was announced by either the Chinese or the Burmese side.

Witnesses at the site reported that the MiG-29 fighter jet flew at low altitude over the Chinese village known as Mengding, causing pandemonium among the villagers watching the tense firefight on the other side of the border between Myanmar government forces and the Kokang rebels. A Chinese ground intelligence agent has been cited by official Chinese news media as saying that Myanmar attack helicopters also were involved in the fight against the rebels.

WNU Editor: This has the potential of exploding into something bigger .... China has been keeping the lid on its news coverage of this conflict .... they cannot now. Expect announcements in the next few days (if not sooner) of Chinese military movements near this border region.

More News On Reports That Myanmar Has Bombed A Chinese Village

Myanmar forces strike Chinese villages by mistake -- Want China Times
Myanmar accidentally bombs China, worsening tense relations -- GoKunming
Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory: Now What? -- Ankit Panda, The Diplomat
Myanmar Government Bombs Fall in China's Yunnan, Sparking Forest Fires -- Radio Free Asia
China angered as Myanmar fighting spills over border -- Reuters
Poppies, Power and Politics in Myanmar’s Kokang Conflict -- VOA

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