Ministry of Antiquities Press Office... - Ministry of Antiquities

Ministry of Antiquities Press Office... - Ministry of Antiquities:

Amazing Discovery in Luxor

A new tomb belonging to "Amenhotep " who is also called Rebiu, the door-keeper of god Amun have been discovered by the American Research Center's Mission with an Egyptian team of inspectors working at the area. The tomb most probably dates to the New Kingdom, particularly the 18th Dynasty….. Declared Dr. Eldamaty, the Minister of Antiquities.

The discovery was made during the work in the courtyard of TT110. Further work will determine if they shared the same courtyard or not. The tomb is T shaped and consists of a Transverse Hall 5.10 meters in length and 1.50 meters wide that leads to another chamber that is 2.50 meters long and 2.10 meters wide. There is a small unfinished niche at the eastern end. There is also an entrance in the south that leads to a small side room which is 2 meters by 2 meters. In the middle of this room there is a shaft that may lead to the burial chamber.

Eldamaty added that the tomb contains many stunning scenes with bright colors painted on plaster. Many of scenes represent the tomb owner and his wife in front of an offering table and a view of a goddess nursing a royal child as well as scenes of the daily life.

Furthermore, General Director of Upper Egypt, Sultan Eid commented that the tomb was deliberately damaged in ancient time; the name and titles of the tomb owner, some hieroglyphic texts and scenes in addition to the names of the god Amun were deliberately erased.

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