March 13, 2015

White Dog flipped pages on her clipboard. "It is a good thing that I am a  multi-tasking Eskie," she told Steve. "Between getting things ready for the Paws To People President's Day Celebration AND our own special plans for momma's birthday  there is LOTS to do and remember." "I could not do it without you, or the rest of the White Dog Army," Steve agreed.

"Today let's focus on getting all of the stuff ready and pulled together for the charity event," our floofy white planner suggested. "We will split up the tasks and things will just fall in place." "I love your enthusiasm White Dog, but you know as well as I do that things like this never just fall into place. We will all work hard and be very tired at the end of the day just so on Sunday everyone at the Celebration thinks it all just magically happened but we will know better. So thank you all in advance," I told her with a hug.

White Dog assigned Taiko, Zsofia and Sachi to supervise and help Steve pull the tents, and usual event materials together.  It is an important job because when you are at the site and need extra packing tape, it better be in your kit bag...or pens for the sign-ins...or plastic forks for cake. They were out on the porch, in the shed, waiting while Steve went to the basement. Steve's pedometer told them at the end of the day they had traveled about 3.5 miles to accomplish their task.

Candace was in the kitchen grinding and measuring ingredients she will need for her demonstrations on how to make all-natural homemade oatmeal shampoo and anti-itch spray. Puff, Storm and White Dog oversaw her efforts. White Dog chased her sister, Zso, back out to Steve when she sneaked in and tried to eat the sample batch of oatmeal shampoo.

Bella and YoYoMa kept me company as I worked to finish handout materials and signage (like bathroom directions). We churned along...Yo is an excellent proof reader and Bella has a balanced graphic eye. We are an awesome team.

While we worked a pot of chili simmered awaiting dinner. The WDA announced "pencils down" at 7:30. Steve had one load already packed in the van (which he will take to school tomorrow) and Candace has to be to work at 4:30am. It was a productive afternoon. White Dog thanked everyone for their great efforts and asked Steve to add a "little something special" in dog bowls...he chose scrambled eggs as a much appreciated reward.

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