Kansas Dept. Agriculture: LPAI Bird Flu At Commercial Turkey Farm


Crawford County – Credit Wikipedia


# 9864



Although the subtype isn’t mentioned in the press release, today Kansas authorities have announced the detection of a low pathogenic avian flu at a commercial turkey farm in Crawford county, on the border with western Missouri.


Culling has been ordered and the carcasses will be buried on site.


Two weeks ago Missouri reported two HPAI outbreaks in Turkeys (see Missouri Dept. Ag. Statement On Avian Flu At Missouri Turkey Farm) while Arkansas to the south reported (HPAI H5N2 Confirmed In Arkansas Turkey Flock) a couple of days later.


Low Path (LPAI) strains are viewed as being much less serious than HPAI strains – and often only cause minor illness in birds – but need to be quickly contained because LPAI H7 and H5 viruses have the potential to evolve into highly pathogenic strains.


This from the Kansas Department of Agriculture.



Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza case confirmed in Crawford County

MANHATTAN, Kansas – The Kansas Department of Agriculture was notified Tuesday that samples collected from a commercial poultry flock in Crawford County tested positive for low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI).

The flock will be depopulated on Thursday by company officials and buried on site.  Working in conjunction with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, a disposal area has been identified.  This area has been determined to be acceptable for the burial of the livestock carcasses based on data evaluated including groundwater depth, soil type, depth to bedrock and slope of land in the area.  KDHE will monitor the disposal site as part of their normal inspection of the facility.

Because this is LPAI, as opposed to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), no quarantine will be issued by KDA. 

“We are dedicated to providing the necessary assistance and precautions to avoid any possible spreading of the disease,” Dr. Bill Brown Kansas Animal Health Commissioner said.  “Even though this is the low path variety, it still requires immediate action and animal health officials are responding.”

Symptoms of avian influenza in poultry include coughing, sneezing, respiratory distress, decreased egg production and sudden death.  

If you suspect your flock has contracted the disease, quarantine the affected animals immediately.  Infected animals must be humanely destroyed and disposed of properly to prevent the disease from spreading. 

Although vaccines are available, they are not commonly used because no vaccine covers all 15 strains of the disease.  Prevention is the best way to combat Avian Influenza.  Keep wild birds away from your home or farm, and stay informed about the health of neighboring animals. 

For more information please check www.agriculture.ks.gov/avianinfluenza


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