It's Audrey time...My lion on wheels

Without a word of a lie...I called this little whirl-wind a 'lion on wheels' the other day. Then, soon after, while shopping for children's books, I found one. So, it now belongs to Audrey. She likes it.

 She actually played with it while I ate breakfast and gladly joined in. I would send it to her...she would bat it back. Such fun, I thought, until she heard a crow.

Bat that silly toy the heck outtahere and up to the fridge top we go.

What a great view she has as she plots her next move. "Give that silly toy to the grandittles", she thinks. I have bigger fish to fry."

She is really on the look-out this morning as we spotted a coyote passing by our feeders last night. It wandered off into the bush but not before Audrey's tail puffed up like a cat-tail  plant(hot-dog on a stick look) and eventually her eyes grew into saucers. Never a dull moment here for the audacious one.

We are having company again today. Better give the mouse-house a once-over.

Happy Sunday,

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