Europe Sweden First Call for An International Conference in Hometown of Joe Hill Gävle August 2015

This is the first call from The SAC international committee, the Joe Hill Society, and the 
Federativs förlag publishing house. ---- Don't mourn - organi<e! ---- This year marks the 
centenary of the execution of Joe Hill. Born and raised in Gävle, Sweden, he was just one 
of many who were forced to emigrate to the United States because of poverty and 
unemployment. After having arrived in the US, he joined the IWW, where he became an 
organizer and eventually also a well-known protest singer. On November 19th, he was 
executed in the state of Utah, following a controversial trial. ---- How might we best 
honour his memory? By continuing to organize! We must continue to fight to change this 
world, still dominated by social injustice and class oppression. Therefore we want to 
extend our warmest welcome to an conference for organizing in the spirit of Joe Hill, 
later summer 2015.

From 13-16th of August, we will gather in Gävle, the birthplace of Joe Hill. Our ambition 
is for this conference to be used as an opportunity for the red and black community to 
exchange experiences, network, organize, all according to our different specific 
circumstances at this particular stage of history. The conference will focus on the themes 
of labor and migration, labor and repression, and how to bring together our struggles and 
the work we perform in everyday life. Our hopes and intentions is that we will be able to 
focus on our commonalities rather than differences.

What can we learn from each other? What can we do to improve on our cooperation? How do we 
move forward together, both as movement and class? Because mark our words, the only way is 
forward, comrades!

We encourage you to start thinking about possible points of discussions and what you are 
interested in knowing more about right away.

Information will be forthcoming.

Still building internationalism - for a world without borders!

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