????t?µe ????e ???ed?e,
Sa? ???f??µe s?et??? µe...
µe???? ????a st?? e???pa??? ??p? p?? a?af????ta? se ??a ?p?t???µe?? a?t?µa p?? ?p?ßa?e ? Ge????? G?aµµat?a? t?? ????pa???? ?????ß?????? ??a ?a s??ta??e? µ?a ???es? s?et??? µe t?? s???pe?e? e??? «Grexit» - ????? ?aµ?a d?aß???e?s? µa?? sa? ? µe t?? ???s?e?? t?? ????d???.
??? ?a??et????µe t?? ap?????? ap? t?? e?p??s?p? t?? ?? a?t?? t?? ?s????sµ??, e?a????????µe ?a ????µe t?? pep????s? ?t? t?t??e? ap??a???e?? st?? e???pa??? ??p? e??a? p??? s?ßa??? ?a? ap??a??pt??? ta p???t??? pa????d?a p?? pa????? s???e???µ???? ?????? e???t?a t?s? st?? ????da ?s? ?a? t? sta?e??t?ta t?? ?????????.
????µe s?ßa??? a??s???e? s?et??? µe a?t? t? ??µa ?a? ?? e? t??t??, sa? pa?a?a???µe, ????e ???ed?e, ?a µe??µ??sete ??a t?? ?µes? ?a? p???? d?e?e???s? a?t?? t?? e?a?s??t?? ??µat??. ??t? ? ??e??a ?a p??pe? ?a ?????????e? pa???s?????ta? s???e???µ??e? p??t?se??, ?ts? ?ste ?a e?asfa??ste? ?t? ?? p??te?a??t?te? t?? ??e??a? ?a? t?? µe?et?? ??????ta? ap? t??? ?d???? t??? p???t?????.
??t??e? e????e?e? ??t??? se ???d??? t? ???? t?? p???t???? e???s?a? st?? ?a????sµ? t?? ?a?????t?? t?? ?esµ???? ??????? ?a? de? e??a? s?µßat?? µe t?? ??d?te?? ???? t?? d?????s?? t?? ????pa???? ?????ß??????.
Sa? e??a??st??µe ??a t?? p??s??? sa?.
?e e?t?µ?s?,
Gabriele Zimmer
???ed??? t?? GUE/NGL
??µ?t??? ?apad?µ?????
??t?p??ed??? t?? ????pa???? ?????ß??????
???????e? ? ep?st??? sta ???????:
Dear Mr President,
We are writing to you in relation to several articles in the European press which refer to an alleged request made by the EP's Secretary General for a report to be drafted on the consequences of a 'Grexit' - without any consultation with you or the Conference of Presidents.
While we welcome the EP spokesperson's rejection of these allegations, we remain of the belief that such revelations in the European press are of a very serious nature and reveal the political games being played by certain circles against both Greece and the stability of the Eurozone.
We have serious concerns about this matter and therefore we kindly ask you, Mr President, to see that an immediate and full investigation into this sensitive issue takes place. This investigation should be concluded by concrete proposals to ensure that the priorities of research and studies are defined by the politicians themselves.
Such actions jeopardise the role of the political authority in the definition of the tasks of the Institutions and are incompatible with the neutral role of the EP administration.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
Gabriele Zimmer
Chair of GUE/NGL
Dimitrios Papadimoulis
Vice-President of the EP...