Denialism: Blissful Self-Implosion

An aging society that has painted itself into a corner will always choose self-destructing denialism over change. Japan is Exhibit A of an old age home in a death spiral.

Fortunately, Faux News creates the false sense of complacency that accelerates the time to collapse.

The human call option visualized:

As you may have surmised, (0,0) is eight feet under. Aging is along the horizontal axis right to left. The area under the horizontal line is the 'dog food' zone for those who are later in life. For the rest of us it's two part time jobs and Top Ramen.  

The older a society becomes, the less likely it is to choose the 'change' option for what are the perceived last few years of existence. Because that confers benefit on future generations at the expense of short-term cost to the older generation. Now, any one geriatric may disagree with this interpretation and state adamantly that they support whatever change is necessary to fix this clusterfuck. However, those people are outnumbered 100:1. Think Tea Party. 

The real optionality in this disaster, and sole focus of this blog, is the perceived timing of the dotted blue line. This old age home masquerading as a society, spends ALL of its time and effort on distorting people's myopia that the day of FORCED change is FAR into the future. That is the role of Faux News, to create a false sense of complacency.

Denialism, fundamentally, is the self-destructing illusion of choice. By creating a false myopia, extending the perceived time to disaster, the net effect of denialism is to accelerate the timeline for forced change aka. economic collapse.

The International Conference on Climate Change Denial
(Sponsored by the Koch Brothers and Exxon)
Please NOTE: Must be 100 years or older to attend:

Free t-shirt for all attendees: "I'm Exxon's Bitch"

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