VIDEO: Citing '43 Years of Injustice,' Amnesty International interviews UN Special Rapporteur Juan Mendez about Albert Woodfox

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Amnesty International has just released a new video entitled "Free Albert Woodfox: 43 Years of Injustice," (on You Tube and Facebook) featuring an interview with Juan Mendez, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The video was made in support of Amnesty's new petition campaign focusing on Albert's pending application for release on bail.

In 2013, declaring that “Four decades in solitary confinement can only be described as torture,” Mendez called for Albert's immediate release from solitary confinement. Speaking about Albert in this new video, Juan Mendez says:

"Mr. Woodfox is spending his days in solitary confinement…His convictions have been reversed and the State is appealing them, so in fact he should be considered an innocent man until his guilt or innocence is resolved."

"There’s no question that his conditions inflict on him the kind of pain and suffering of a mental nature that is associated with torture and I think that should stop."

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