Recent blog posts with the key words: environmental toxicology, ecotoxicology, water science, aquatic toxicology, papers, top, pollution control, environmental science, ecology, plant sciences, aquatic, plants, phytoremediation, purification, treatment, toxicity, phytotoxicity, surfactants, detergents, surfactants, bioassay, tolerance, freshwater,- selected
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useful relevant books:
The Internet users liked these publications online, environmental science, ecology, protection of the environment:
Recent blog posts with the key words: environmental toxicology, ecotoxicology, water science, aquatic toxicology, papers, top, pollution control, environmental science, ecology, plant sciences, aquatic, plants, phytoremediation, purification, treatment, toxicity, phytotoxicity, surfactants, detergents, surfactants, bioassay, tolerance, freshwater,- selected
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useful relevant books:
Wayne G. Landis, Ruth M. Sofield, Ming-Ho Yu. Introduction to Environmental Toxicology: Molecular Substructures to Ecological Landscapes, Fourth Edition. CRC Press, 2010. - 542 p.
Michael C. Newman. Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology: The Science of Pollution, Fourth Edition. CRC Press, 2015. - 680 p.
The Internet users liked these publications online, environmental science, ecology, protection of the environment:
key words: Life Sciences, Environmental Toxicology, Plant Sciences, ecology, water sciences, aquatic, plants, phytoremediation, treatment, toxicity, phytotoxicity, detergents, surfactants, bioassay, tolerance, pondweed, freshwater, ecotoxicology,
Most viewed, 4 March, 2014; environmental science, ecology, recent, blog posts, environmental,#water, sustainability, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/03/most-viewed-4-march-2014-environmental.html
Recommended papers on ecology. Most often used key words: Ecosystems, Environmental, Aquatic.
Google the titles of these articles. Almost all of them are available at: Scribd, ResearchGate,
Updated,14 publications: Useful to scientists in environmental toxicology, ecotoxicology, water science, aquatic toxicology. Papers on the top issues: pollution control, environmental science, ecology papers, selected, with DOI. Full texts of almost all of these papers are available at the Springer website http://link.springer.com, or at ResearchGate, and at the online library Scribd (ResearchGate and Scribd, free).
In Italian, and English: useful bibliography, environmental protection, with comments: Questi articoli su ecologia, scienze ambientali, la tutela dell'ambiente, l'interesse suscitato, sono stati scaricati recente:
Interessi attratto da queste carte su ecologia, ambiente , de facto l'approvazione da parte degli scienziati di molti paesi , compresi i paesi diversi come Italia, Stati Uniti, Regno Unito, Germania, Francia, Danimarca, Spagna , Portogallo, Grecia , Repubblica Ceca , Ungheria, Polonia , Romania, Turchia , Giappone, Cina , India , S.Korea , Malaysia, Brasile, Cile , Per�, Colombia , Belize , Vietnam , Giordania, Iran, e altri. Download , scaricato.
Paper: Study of the interactions between Elodea canadensis and CuO nanoparticles
DOI 10.1134/S107036321113010X;
These articles on ecology, environmental science, protection of environment, attracted interest, were downloaded recently:
Interest attracted to these papers on ecology, environment, de facto approval by scientists of many countries, including countries as diverse as the U.S.A., U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Japan, China, India, S.Korea, Malaysia, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Belize, Vietnam, Jordan, Iran, and others. Downloads, downloaded.
10 most viewed blog posts, recent 24 hours, 02.03.2014 9:00 � 03.03.2014 8:00; AVAILABILITY, Biological Effects, book, citation, ecology, environmental, History of modern ecology, Oxford, publications, science, Springer, summary, surfactants, top:
These articles on ecology, environmental science, protection of environment, attracted interest, were downloaded recently:
Interest attracted to these papers on ecology, environment, de facto approval by scientists of many countries, including countries as diverse as the U.S.A., U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Japan, China, India, S.Korea, Malaysia, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Belize, Vietnam, Jordan, Iran, and others. Downloads, downloaded.
10 web pages viewed most often during recent 24 h, 01.03.2014 9:00 � 02.03.2014 8:00. Biochemical Ecology,Environmental science,Citation,scoperte, ecologia, ambiente, National, Library,
Environmental science. Viewed most often, most viewed, during the period of time 01.03.2014 2:00 � 02.03.2014 1:00:
Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; Vvedenie v biohimic?eskuju e`kologiju; Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej; ???? ? ???????????? ????????; Uvod v biokhimichnata ekologii?a?; ???????? ? ????????????? ???????? (the title in Russian);
scoperte, ecologia, ambiente , innovazioni, sicurezza , SCIENZA , sintesi , la sostenibilit� , le pubblicazioni , acqua , libri, giornali ,
In Italian. Sintesi molto concisa dei risultati scientifici.
Scoperte , innovazioni in ecologia , scienze ambientali, acqua. 4 pagine:
Very Concise summary of scientific results.
Discoveries, innovations in ecology, environmental, water sciences.
Concise summary of scientific results.
Discoveries, innovations in ecology, environmental, water sciences.
History of modern ecology, conceptual development; Interdisciplinary science, ecology, chemistry, environmental science; Recent review paper.
Ecology and chemistry, history and new development: From A. Lavoisier, L. Pasteur, J.B. Lamarck to V.I. Vernadsky, K. Khailov, M.M. Telitchenko, ....
Topics: chemical ecology, biochemical ecology.
These materials online (ecology, environment) are of interest to Japanese researchers, scientists in Japan.
See the web-page:
Many links. Publications on ecology, environment, water quality: in English, Russian:
14 publications: Useful to scientists in environmental toxicology, ecotoxicology, water science, aquatic toxicology. Papers on the top issues: pollution control, environmental science, ecology papers, selected. Full text of almost all of these papers is available at ResearchGate, and at the online library Scribd, free.
Key words, tags: aquatic ecology, water, water quality, ecosystem function, ecotoxicology, water self-purification.
achievements in environmental sciences, general ecology and aquatic ecology: ecosystems, ecotoxicology, water quality, water self-purification: review of 25 papers, selected:
in Russian:
in Russian:
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?.?. ???????? ? ?.?.??????????:
?.?. ?????? (????-????. ???), ?.?. ????????? (????-????. ???)
review of 25 achievements in environmental sciences, general ecology and aquatic ecology: ecosystems, ecotoxicology.
Citation of some publications - environment, ecology, water . They are cited in the U.S., France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, China, Brazil, Belgium, Germany, Sweden and many other countries...
Selected examples.
Click on the titles of the publications to get more info on these publications. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/02/citation-of-some-publications.html
5 super-popular links on environmental science: most viewed during the recent week: review, achievements, innovations, ecology, liked, blog posts, online, South America,
40 papers in National Library of Israel. Environmental science, water science, ecology, biology. Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals, Selected.
10 Most recent blog posts. Environmental science, most viewed, libraries, End of February, 2014.
The National Library of Israel. Articles on environmental science, selected;water filtering,filter-feeders,surfactants, detergents, bivalves, Mussel, water quality, self-purification, nanoparticles, gold, Moscow University,macrophytes, water purification:
Most viewed, environmental science, sceintific basis for protection of the environment; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/02/most-viewed-environmental-science_26.html
Environmental science, these articles attracted interest of Internet users in France, Japan, U.S.A., Portugal, India, Malaysia, other countries.
Researchers who downloaded the full-texts:
Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin. Articles in environmental science, ecology, water quality, pollution control, selected.
Internet users liked this. Ecology, environmental science, environmental protection, water quality, water self-purification - shortlist of useful links, online, innovative scientific articles http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/02/internet-users-liked-this-ecology.html
Most viewed, 10 blog posts
24.02.2014 9:00 � 25.02.2014 8:00; ecology, environmental science, achievements, Moscow University, publications
They used, read, downloaded these articles in environmental science, ecology, water quality, protection of the environment;
U.S.A., U.K., Japan, Portugal, Brazil, Chile, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, many other countries
Internet users liked this blog post on environmental science. Mirela Tarin liked this ?????? at the web page ?? ???, ?? (Yonsei University, Seoul): "Nice pictures and 24 useful links, to..."
Most viewed, February 24, 2014, environmental science, ecology, water quality.
Notification from Internet. Publications on scientific results of Moscow University ( ecology, environmental science, Dr. Sergei Ostroumov) were mentioned, favorited at Twitter. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/02/notification-from-internet-publications.html
Internet user
Jaagz Bajaj liked it: Useful, relevant to conservation biology, protection of biodiversity and ecosystems:THESE QUESTIONS WERE ANSWERED
Most viewed, most popular, most attractive blog posts, environmental science. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/02/most-viewed-most-popular-most.html
6 of 25 sections of the review of 25 achievements in environmental sciences, general ecology and aquatic ecology: functioning of ecosystems and environmental toxicology:
Environmental science innovations: A review of 25 achievements in environmental sciences, general ecology and aquatic ecology: functioning of ecosystems and environmental toxicology
Users from Ecuador and Chile liked this publication, in Spanish: ecolog�a, agua, medio ambiente, l'environnement, l'�cologie,
A review of 25 achievements in environmental sciences, general ecology and aquatic ecology: functioning of ecosystems and environmental toxicology: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/02/a-review-of-25-achievements-in.html