Revisiting Arizona in my mind

 Avoiding the cactus. - image by Diana
Our gang on Alaska Jersey (and long socks) Day - by Cecelia
Last October a group of Divas headed to Arizona on a mountain bike adventure. We had two days of riding at McDowell Mountain Park, just northeast of Phoenix, followed by three days of riding on the Black Canyon Trail which is northwest of Phoenix. Between the 90-degree heat and the cholla (jumping cactus), the cat's claw and a few rain-damaged trails which had ruts down the middle, our group experienced a gamut of emotions - from frustration to joy- and a few physical injuries.

Don't lean in, or out! - by Gloria
Lori surviving the heat and thorns - by Rose
Maggi on the trail - by Rose
Yes, it was challenging and in the words of Maggi, "sometimes brutal and frustrating..." But, she added, "I also got to listen to coyotes, owls, and even cows sing me to sleep and see majestic saguaro, clever cholla and a rattlesnake up close and personal." Maggi and the other Divas reminded me that it is through facing challenges that we can accomplish things, like bettering ourselves as riders. Maybe we become better people overall when we're encouraging our friends to ride something technical or when we're pulling thorns from someone's backside.

We rode among the dancing saguaro - by Gloria
For me, it's only through time that I can better reflect on the five days spent on desert trails and remember that beyond the flat tires some people experienced and some other things that I thought could be better, that I was out camping and riding with 10 inspiring women and two great guys who all pushed ourselves to be better riders and also knew how to kick back and laugh about it afterward. It will live long in our memories.

90 degrees of hot hot hot! - by Lori
 Oh, yes, and there was a pool!

Sarong night - by Jeff
And there was beauty.

Beauty amid the thorns - by Gloria

posted by Rose.