Thursday I had a couple of appointments in Blythe, CA - about 12 miles from where we're camped. Neither turned out very well:
Social Security Office/Discover Card Issue
1. First I was off to the Social Security office. I had an appointment and they saw me right on time. When the woman asked if she could help me, I told her "Well, according to Discover Card, you are the only person in the whole world who can help me. " She laughed.
What is happening is this - since Social Security declared me deceased last August, things have been good. My banks, credit cards, etc. have all resurrected me, and Bank of America even opened a checking account for me, as well as giving me a debit card and a credit card. This was when no one else would talk to me because I was dead. B of A was great. Of course, I was there, in person, with all my IDs, etc., so they took a chance and believed me.
Anyway, the only credit card I have that wouldn't remove the "Deceased" notation on my account is Discover Card.
I've talked to them twice and they INSIST that they need a letter from Social Security stating "THEY made an ERROR," no letter = no removal of that notation. Period! I told them I had spoken to the SS four times on the phone, because other businesses also wanted something like that, and I was told they DON'T do that. So the other businesses accepted a notarized statement that I was alive (Proof of Life), a current Social Security Award letter showing what I receive each month (you can print out a current one with the current date from their website). I scanned and photo copied and faxed current bank statements showing my Social Security automatic deposits, etc. LOTS OF PROOF. Discover card also got all the proof, but they won't accept it. ONLY A LETTER FROM SS ADMITTING THEY MADE AN ERROR WILL WORK FOR THEM.
So I'm sitting there in the SS office, and start telling the woman my tale, and she interrupts me, "We don't do that." Don't do what? "We don't send letters to ANYONE except our clients when we need to inform them of a change in their Social Security Award."
I told her that I'd talked to various people at SS on the phone and that's what they said, but they suggested that maybe I could get a letter in an actual physical SS office. Maybe the offices have the letter that is needed. That's why I was there.
Then I told her that three different people at Discover told me I needed that letter from SS. I told all of them that SS doesn't send that letter. They INSISTED they have many, many letters in their files from SS stating they made the error. One was the first person I talked to, Carlos, the next was his supervisor, Zenda. I faxed the docs to Zenda, who promised to contact me when she received them. When I didn't hear from her, I called back two weeks later and talked to Jerry. (I have names, dates and time of day for my calls.) He found my documents, proving that Zenda DID receive them, but DIDN'T call to let me know. Jerry confirmed that I need that letter from SS. Totally frustrating.
My lady at SS looked me in the eye and calmly said, "They are lying to you." She said they can't have the letters they are talking about in their files, because this IS no letter like that sent out. TO ANYONE. She wouldn't even give ME a letter that said what Discover Card wants. She told me to call Discover back and keep asking for supervisors until I go up far enough to get one that will remove the notation of my death. Then she did print out a copy of the letter stating what my benefit will be for January 2015, direct deposited into my checking account in February. She said that's the only letter she can give ME.
I'm going to call Discover Card on Monday and tell them again what I need them to do. I'll write, call and e-mail everyone important in the company up to the President/CEO/Board of Directions if I have to. And CC the governmental agencies that regulate them. And I'll CC AARP, too! After all, they are denying a senior citizen her credit record!
The reason this is an issue for me isn't that I want my Discover Card. I NEVER used it, and once I was deceased, they immediately closed it. But that Deceased Notation on my account with them is preventing the credit reporting agencies from showing that I have any credit. Even though other credit cards have removed the Death Notation. If I try to log into one of the Credit Bureaus' websites to purchase my credit score or look at my credit bureau account in the "one-free-per-year-per-agency" deal, either there is nothing there and no option to press, or it shows no accounts. Absolutely no credit account for my entire life. And until Discover Card cooperates, I have no credit. If I need to purchase something like a car or a park model, or, say, rent an apartment and they want to run my credit to make sure I'm a good credit risk, I won't have a report. And that's a really crappy thing for Discover Card to do to me.
I'm putting all this down so that when I call Discover Card on Monday I'll have my post in front of me to fact check as I'm talking to them. I'll let you know what happens. Fingers crossed. :)
New Tires
2. Next, down the road to Standach Tire and Auto - a Goodyear shop - to have my annual tire rotation, balancing, pressure check, and have the front end aligned.
Last year it cost me $89, and that's what I was expecting this year. Turns out my inner left rear tire was separating inside and had a bubble.
It was recommended that I purchase two new tires. He said if they put a new tire next to a 4 year old tire with it's wear, it would affect the new tire. I agreed to the two new tires, and they put them on the front, and put the two front tires on the left rear. Thank goodness I had that appointment before the tire blew! I'll be going through the mountains on the way to San Diego for Easter, and that could have been a real problem on those roads.
I checked to make sure they were giving me the same size tire and checked the dates they were made. They were the same size, and both dates showed they were made the week of November 10, 2014. I didn't know what else to check, so... I guess everything's okay.
I kept the other rear tire and when I go to San Diego for Easter, my son is going to take me to his tire guy where he gets a really good deal (he has a fleet of trucks - around 50, I think) and will get me a better deal on the cost of four more new tires. And I want his guy to see if my current spare, which is 10-years old but in perfect condition, or the tire just removed from the left rear, is a better spare.
They checked my spare at Standich and said it looked perfect. No cracking, no anything that they look for to show the tire isn't good. They said because it was covered and on the rear of the RV rather than stored underneath where it would get lots of dust and dirt, etc, it probably would be good longer. I don't know, though. I've heard different stories about 6-7 years MAX, but then I've also heard it depends on the actual tire. So I want another tire guy to give me his opinion.
$520.88 later, I was heading back to camp. What a frustrating, expensive day!
But I did get this great photo of a hawk with his dinner up in a tree. After leaving the SS office I was driving along a side street when I saw him fly up into the tree. I stopped to get a picture, not realizing he had the bird in his talons. I took a bunch of photos, he was turning his head back and forth, wanting me to leave, and checking his exit options. When I got out of the truck he took off. But I did get one good clear hawk face:
For My Lazy Daze Friends
I was driving along headed toward Blythe, slowing down for the entrance to California, this older model Lazy Daze was in the next lane. It was a short motor home. like mine. It looked to be in very good shape - those LazyDazers take good care of their rigs:
I haven't been doing much here in Ehrenberg, AZ - just hanging out taking an occasional walk with Jeanne and Riley. They have take some long walks with John, but my heel was bothering me last time I walked a distance. Today the three of use went to Wal-Mart in Parker and I bought a pair of their good shoe inserts to see if that would help. I've taken two walks longer than my usual 20 minute ones, and both times I had heel issues. It went away in a day or so, but still. Hopefully these things will make the difference.
Sunsets and Full Moon
I wanted to show you our gorgeous sunsets Tuesday and Wednesday, and the full moon rising on Wednesday evening. None of these photos have been touched up.
Sunset Tuesday evening:
Then Wednesday evening as the sun was going down, the eastern mountains were beautiful with the glowing colors and the shadows:
The sunset was so brilliant, it was hard to get a picture of it:
A bit later I took Katie out to go potty and saw the moon just peeking over the mountains that were now dark:
I always miss the moon when it first starts coming up, but Wednesday I got to see it from the glow on the mountain top, to the edge of the moon coming up, then almost all the way...
...then completely risen from the mountains. It was really beautiful.

Next time I'm posting a review of a cooking product I just got and tried out. It got a Thumbs Up from me.
From me and Katie, have a great Saturday, everyone! :)