Onions Have Layers | Surviving Egypt 1

I have been wanting to make a post about winter for a while. Since, like, December. I just never got around to writing it, but of course now that I've written it, it's not cold anymore! Whether this is a spring fake-out or actually spring, I don't know. I do know that I was sweating in the taxi today. Contrary to popular belief, Egypt is not always hot. There were times it got all the way to 41 degrees Fahrenheit! You might be thinking, "How would I ever survive this winter?" Well, have no fear! I have a list of ten whole tips on how to survive winter in Egypt. 

1. Accept the fact it is and will be cold 24/7 for the next couple months. Egyptian homes don't have central heating. This is because it doesn't normally get that cold. The coldest it's gotten is about 41 degrees Fahrenheit and that was at like 3 in the morning. But 41 degrees outside, means 41 degrees inside. 

2. Layer everything. I didn't bring anything heavier than a sweatshirt to Egypt. Most of the time layers were enough for me. When I absolutely needed a jacket, I borrowed one of my host mom's. (Only 3 times in 3 months)

3. Invest in tight stretchy pants. By this I mean like leggings or yoga pants. Wear them under your looser pants similar to long johns. Or wear long johns, that works too. 

4. Use the above two tips, create your outfit. One day it was really cold and I had to go to school. My uniform pants are too big so they're kinda baggy. So, I wore yoga pants under my pants. Then on top I wore a tank top, then my long sleeve school shirt, then a tighter sweatshirt, then my regular school sweatshirt and a scarf. 

5. Make scarves your best friends. Unless you're wearing a turtle neck, your neck will be exposed. Scarves keep them warm and also they look great and come in any color/pattern you can think of. 

6. Slippers. So important I own two pairs. 

7. Don't feel bad for spending time in bed. Beds have blankets and blankets protect you from cold. But don't ignore your responsibilities or host family or anything. 

8. Drink hot drinks. All the time. Tea, hot chocolate, and Nescafé are all really easy to make and they're all good. Not only does it make your tummy warm but the mug will keep your hands warm. 

9. Use Chapstick and lotion often. Your skin and lips will get dry because winter. If you can't find your Chapstick, watch this: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5qYY06KD_Zg

10. Warm hugs are essential. Olaf hit it on the nose with this one. Not only do you show love and affection when you hug someone, it helps keep you warm and happy. 

I hope these tips helped you understand the struggle of Egyptian winter and maybe you could use them in your life. I know lots of people in the Northeastern part of the US and Canada are buried (or were buried) in snow, but maybe you could use these tips if spring ever rolls around. 

I'm both happy and sad winter might be ending in Egypt. While I didn't enjoy the cold, it's better than the ridiculous heat we'll be getting soon. 

Stay warm and learn something today. 



Credit where credit is due:

Igloo picture- http://ecobnb.com/blog/2014/01/igloo-ice-hotels/
Shrek screen cap- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/386887424211516974/
Yoga- https://www.vitalitynutrition.com.au/how-to-stay-healthy-during-winter/
Friends screen cap- http://twicsy.com/i/RAt6fd
Cinna's scarf- http://www.videobash.com/photo_show/lenny-kravitz-has-a-big-ass-scarf-93063
Arthur's slippers- https://www.flickr.com/photos/chotipradit/8469295281/
Burrito tutorial- http://www.theunmom.com/the-un-mom/2011/3/28/building-a-blanket-burrito-for-better-monster-protection.html
Hot drinks picture- http://www.robertsonpackaging.com/paper-cups-for-hot-drinks/
Olaf- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/365002744771698672/

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