Let's Have A Drink: The Bags Under My Eyes Are Gucci

Today is the first time I have enough free time to write a proper blog post in about a week. I manage to still get eight hours of sleep, but it looks like I've barely slept at all. (Actually I just looked in the mirror. I look fine. I looked worse yesterday.) 

I remember lazing around the house, surfing the internet and now school, ASMUN, and some other things are in full swing, I haven't been on reblogged anything in tumblr since Valentine's Day. 


School started on Saturday, the seventh. This term I'm taking English, Math, Physics, French, Computer, and Art. That's one less class than last term. I got my grades from the exams on Monday. I did fine. I did all the math and I have a 3.33 GPA, not my best, but hey, I'm in Egypt. 

The Weather

A couple days before school started there was a spring fake out. By that, I mean it started getting warm again. It was sunny and nice. But it was the calm before the storm. Literally. For about two or three days there was a gross dust storm. 

The sky at about 3 pm. 

Dust covered windows. 

Some people have snow days, apparently we have dust days. 

ASMUN (Ain Shams Model United Nations)

I started ASMUN with the college students on Friday. It was really fun. I'm looking forward to that experience. I'm on the Economic and Social council (ECOSOC). 

Me and my terrible posture explaining the separation of church and state in America. (Sit up straight kids). 

On Monday (yesterday), we had the final session for the junior human rights council. I am representing Saudi Arabia in the conference this weekend. I've been researching, and it might be a little difficult for me to get my way as Saudi Arabia...

Reality Check

On Friday, I got an email from AFS with my return travel information. I arrive in America on June 26 at 9 pm EST. It really hit me that all this is temporary, and I need to get my butt moving to make the most of the four and a half months I have left. 

I went out everyday since Thursday, except today. I've been intensely studying Arabic. I've been using YouTube to get vocabulary, then I write them down. I send them to my friends to correct them. I also checked out a picture book from the Primary school library. I finished translating it, but now I read it to gain confidence and better pronunciation. 

Sunday, I went with my host family to Carrefour again, it was very nice. I like that store. It's basically costco. 

News from America

My family in America is moving houses today. Fingers crossed it all goes well. I'm really excited. We'll have more space, a hot tub, and a doorbell that plays the Harry Potter theme. What more could you want. 

I want to thank you all for reading my blog and all the support you give me. It truly is wonderful. 

I will be trying my best to have lots of adventures in the next four and a half months. And I will try my best to post about them. I will try my very best to have weekly posts (most likely Sundays) with updates from the week (similar to this one). If you like this post let me know by liking it or let me know in the comments. If it bored you, also let me know in the comments because I don't want to bore you. 

You are awesome. I love you. Learn something today. 



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