Israel: H5N1 Outbreaks Continue In Poultry




# 9661


It has been two weeks since we first heard about Israel’s latest outbreak of H5N1 – the first since 2012 – among poultry farms in the northern part of the country.   Those outbreaks continue, with news today of another turkey farm affected, which will require the culling of an additional 37,000 birds.


Israeli Bird Flu Epidemic Continues

37,000 turkeys put down as two-week spread of lethal flu rages on; already over 157,000 birds put to death in attempt to halt spread.

By Ari Yashar

First Publish: 2/2/2015, 1:18 PM

Northern Israel has been struck by a bird flu (H5N1) epidemic in the last two weeks, and on Monday a turkey coop in Kfar Vitkin adjacent to Netanya on the northern coast was made the most recent victim.

In the Kfar Vitkin coop a full 37,000 turkeys will have to be put down and buried in deep trenches lined with plastic sheets according to protocols, so as to prevent the spread of the potentially lethal disease.

The latest outbreak comes as sites where the disease was found last week in the Sharon region (the northern coastal plain) completed undergoing treatment measures, with a total of 157,000 birds being put to death in coops in the north and Sharon to check the virus's advance.

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