This will be the only post today, because this morning I found 2048 and have wasted an inordinate amount of time studying/playing it. As noted by the embed above, so far my highest score is
I have to get some work done this weekend and can't afford to waste any more time. But I don't mind wasting your time.
Have a go, and feel free to post your best score (and strategy tips) in the comments.
The embedded image is just a screencap. THE GAME IS HERE.
??is there a way to predict in which empty square the new tile will appear?
Update: Using the strategies outlined by readers in the Comments, I was finally able to view the 2048 tile -
- and maxed out at 33,800. Finally I can quit and go do something productive.
Update 2: Here is a near-perfect pre-2048-tile-appearance board:
Starting at the second 2 of the top row (or, in practice, at the top 16), one can then sweep all the way down in a sinuous curve to convert the 1024 into a 2048. This kind of configuration is not necessary to generate a 2048, but it certainly is esthetically pleasing.
Update 3: This will me my final addition to this post - a view of the black 4096 tile...
... which I finally saw on my way to a final score of 50,936. I'm done with this game. Time to move on.
Update 4: A tip of the hat to reader Matthew for sending me the link to this article about the strategies used by artificial intelligence to solve the puzzle.
"Most instances ended with a score around 390,000 and a 16,384 tile, but the best instance built a 32,768 tile and stayed alive long enough to reach a score of 839,732."Final (?) update: I was informed by reader Jan Reynolds that a "Super 2048" now exists - an 8x8 board with immensely higher potential scores and time-wasting capability. I gave up after creating the 16,384 tile:
and then (wisely, I think) opted NOT to "keep going." Jan reported that she had "been beavering away for several months, have a score of 128,386,728! Have 2 tiles with face value of 2,097152 which would give me the magic 4,194304 tile but they are not near each other :( "
The game is here (and other variants from the pull-down menu). Discretion advised.