Guess who I got to meet?

Nina, of "Nina and Paul," and Wheeling It!   Unfortunately Paul wasn't able to make it - he stayed home to watch Polly, who was having a problem with one of her legs.  We were all sorry we missed you, Paul - but very happy that Nina still came by to visit us.  What a cutie pie!   After reading Wheeling It! for so long and passing them like ships in the night, we were finally in the same place at the same time, and got to chat a bit.

Jeanne, Denise and Nina:

Gayle, Jeanne, kB, Chris, Jimbo and Kim:

Katie got her own little visit with Nina:

Suzanne, Jim and Gayle:

Kim is such a dog lover, and Katie LOVES Kim!

Nina, Jeanne, Joe, kB, Denise, Tara, Debbie:

Suzanne, Jim and Nina:

Remember the photo I posted a bit ago with the bare tree against the mountains at sunset - with a hawk in it?  Well, here are a couple of photos of the hawk earlier in the evening.  Isn't he a beauty?

American Coot in Mittry Lake:

A couple of Grackles on the big rock outside The Palms:

Hummingbird at the feeder:

Katie has always liked Denise's Bennie, but she really LOVES Tara and Joe's Milo.  Whenever he was outside, Katie would get so agitated I thought she was going to go potty in the house.  I'd quickly let her out, and over she would run to visit Milo and Bennie.  She sure liked all the dog socializing here at Mittry Lake:

And a final "see you later" to Nina.  Thanks for dropping in for a visit, I so enjoyed meeting you and hope that next season we'll have a bit more time to chat.  Safe travels to you and Paul on your way to the big city!

From me and Katie, have a great weekend, everyone!  :)

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