Fresh Artichokes: Two-for-a-Dollar

Yuma, AZ Tuesday Marketplace.  I've never seen artichokes at a Farmer's Market - artichokes are my favorite food.  They run from $2.50 to $3.00 each in the grocery stores.  Except Costco or Sam's, where the prices are better.  I couldn't believe they had two large boxes of artichokes at the Farmer's Market, and they were 2 for $1.  I've NEVER seen them that cheap.  I got four of them, and so far have only boiled one.  It was GOOD!  The second one will be cooked up today.  :)

Bunches of fresh asparagus with the tough ends cut off were only $2 a bunch.  Great deal and really fresh looking, so I got a bunch of these, too.  

I also got some nice broccoli, which I cooked up to make my New York Pie for dinner.

Other tables had citrus:

Colorful peppers:

Jewelry, other foods and many different items.  This booth had some cool clothing wraps.  The seller demonstrated the many ways this top can be worn, it was kind of amazing.  But not RVing attire.  Very cool, though.

Here's the street - lots of booths, but not too many.  It made for an easy walk to the end, seeing everything.

Below is one of the food booths, looks like Kim is enjoying a taco - she said it was really good. 

Next, on the way to Best Buy, we saw an In-N-Out Burger.  Jeanne saw it first, and proceeded to entertain Kim and me with a hysterical fit of not "using her words."  We couldn't figure out what was wrong, when she finally blurted out real words: "In-N-Out Burger!"  Jeanne has heard about their burgers and fries but never tried them and was very excited to see their sign.  Of course, we stopped for lunch.  I'm not a fries person, but I love chocolate shakes, so I treated myself to a burger and shake.  Yum. They both had burgers and fries.  All delicious, and we proceeded to our next stop...

...Best Buy!  I've debated on and off for a long time about branching out of the Android world into Apple land - and I finally bought a new iPad Air.  And screen protector.  And smart cover.  $$$$$  For once I spent some money on something fun.  For me, not for The Palms.    :)))))

We also stopped at Wal-Mart and brought the dogs in - they were in our carts on blankets Jeanne keeps in the car for Riley.  Katie and Riley REALLY enjoyed going down the aisles, looking at all the stuff, smelling all the odors, being greeted by other shoppers.  Even the staff was very friendly to them.  I guess in Yuma it's so hot outside, lots of days people can't leave the dogs in the car, so they must be used to people bringing them inside where it's cooler.  They can't do much damage while in a shopping cart, so I guess were were okay.  And the dogs just loved it!

From me and Katie, have a great Monday, everyone!  :)

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