(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #247 - Charlie Hebdo: After the emotion, taking action (fr, it, pt)

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #247 - Charlie Hebdo:
After the emotion, taking action (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

The carnage at the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo and murder of Jews in a kosher 
supermarket customers have raised a legitimate wave of emotion that we share. But anger or 
fear are always bad counselors and we must now consider the political implications of this 
killing and unravel the speech to try to see clearly. ---- Not to appear insensitive while 
keeping a cool head is a challenge for all those and all those who have been deeply 
shocked by the tragic events of 7, 8 and 9 January but, at the same time take a critical 
look at political-media machine so quick to turn on to offer ready-made ideas, stifle 
dissent and manufacture of consent. In such dramatic circumstances, when the weight of the 
emotion is overwhelming, it is not always easy to take a step back before you max out the 
professional politicians and zealous journalists that define the official word.

Do not be bamboozled by "national unity"

On January 7, Libertarian Alternative condemned the fanatics of all stripes who seek to 
impose by force their ideas smokers. On January 7, many activists and AL activists 
participated, without concert, the spontaneous gatherings that took place throughout 
France. But sometimes political recovery is so coarse and hypocrisy jumps so the eyes it 
is difficult to restrain his indignation and go scroll, as if nothing had happened behind 
dictators, claimed enemies of freedom expression or extreme right with Dirty Hands 
leaders. Therefore, during the weekend of January 10 and 11, local AL group chose to stand 
against the tide and go bring a discordant voice in gatherings where the 
instrumentalisation of People's emotions seemed too obvious. We partner with the sincere 
and legitimate emotions of the great majority of the 4 million people who took to the 
streets during this weekend but we can not accept this shared emotion is used to restore 
the image of politicians French or foreign heads of state who have never ceased to stir up 
hatred and racism. In Paris, January 11, we have thus refused to walk behind the Hungarian 
repression, the Israeli extreme right, the Russian authoritarianism or dictatorship Gabon 
and we chose to carry the contradiction, even exposure to hostile reactions.

The urgency of an anti-racist response

Let me be clear: there is no question of throwing stones at protesters and the challenge 
is not to distribute bad points to social movement organizations that have chosen to join 
this event. We will not repeat the game. But it is now time to collectively discuss the 
political implications of this emotional shock which worsened an already very racist 
climate marked and probably precipitated the tilt of certain sections of the population in 
the anti-Muslim racism. But at the same time, many discordant voices and meet some 
resonance among all those and all those who are sensitive to the denunciation of amalgam 
and "retaliation" Islamophobic.

In any event, a race is engaged against extreme nationalist right that seeks to blame for 
the killings to all Muslims. While Islamophobic discourse redoubled violence, while 
attacks are increasing against Muslims and their places of worship, we must be vigilant 
and fight tooth and nail to stop the spread of racism. Thus we must dismantle the double 
discourse of the FN that gives free rein to his hatred of Muslims by the voice of Aymeric 
Chauprade, Marine Le Pen adviser but soon condemns these "excesses" to maintain the 
illusions, clever way of saying: "Yes, we are Islamophobic, but do not shout it from the 
rooftops. " In a roundabout way, the fact of calling on Muslims to stand out Islamic 
terrorists publicly only adding fuel to the fire because it reinforces the idea of a 
widespread suspicion. The same battle must be waged against those who exploit the 
resentment of the racialized population of neighborhoods by designating Jews as 
responsible for the exploitation and misery. The claims of the Israeli extreme right to 
represent all of the world's Jewish population also greatly facilitate the work of 
anti-Semitic tribunes. To deconstruct the discourse of the clash between the "Muslim 
community" and "community" Jewish, one of our tasks is to make us the echo of secular 
organizations pronouncements such as the French Jewish Union peace, denouncing the 
maneuvers of the extreme Zionist right. It is our responsibility activists going to wear 
all these speeches that go against conventional wisdom about an alleged "clash of 
civilizations" forcing everyone to choose sides.

Against authoritarian and repressive responses

As such, the responses proposed by many politicians show their complete ignorance of 
neighborhoods: not sending the police arrest a student in a college that will deter 
complotistes speech postures or support terrorism religious. It is not by imposing a 
Republican lid on schools that manage to stimulate reflection and deconstruct prejudices. 
The solution to the growth of reactionary ideas, including religious, it is not the 
"restoration of the master's authority," it is not mandatory minutes of silence, it is the 
hour of dialogue and debate .

The counterpart of this tense authoritarianism that is draped in republican principles is 
the announcement of security measures that have yet largely proved ineffective. When we 
know that religious fanaticism feeds primarily on the feeling of rejection maintained by 
decades of social exclusion, ghettoisation, discrimination, police violence, we can only 
be appalled by the lack of political insight of those who we govern: they offer us more 
repression while the prison, in addition to being an aberration, contributing to 
manufacture terrorism; They prepare us for new wars while the religious fascism is the 
byproduct of wars by Western powers to secure their raw material supply. When rulers 
pretend to swagger to terrorism while Islamist groups have long been used as pawns by the 
Western powers to maintain relations of regional strengths, we can only note the hypocrisy.

If politicians really wanted to fight effectively against Islamic terrorism, they could 
start with material support progressive forces fighting on the ground, against the forces 
of the Islamic State and in particular the Kurdish fighters who fight against Daech in 
Syria in the general indifference ...

Federal AL Secretariat


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