(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #247 - FAU, Uruguay
red and black (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
Fruit a century and a half of history, where she notably through a bloody dictatorship,
the Uruguayan libertarian communist organization is well established in neighborhoods like
the unions. Account of a meeting with comrades of the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya
(FAU), at the headquarters of the organization in Montevideo. ---- At number 1764
Magallanes Street in downtown Montevideo, an old house on one level with its central patio
topped with a glass roof, houses the headquarters of the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya
(FAU). Juan just open the door mate in hand and a broad smile on his face. ---- FAU was
founded in October 1956. However, as stated in particular Juan Carlos Mechoso in his
four-volume anthology Acción directa anarquista; una historia de FAU [1], it is the
result of a long history which can date the beginning 1870.
anchor in the labor movement
The Federación Obrera Regional Uruguaya (Foru) [2], anarcho-syndicalist organization
founded in 1905, illustrates the anchor in the labor movement of this libertarianism,
reinforced by Italian and Spanish immigrant workers for whom the libertarian commitment
could be that in the heart of the working class to take action and make a difference. In
the early 1960s, the FAU is a member of El coordinador [3], unitary structure prelude to
the Tupamaros movement [4].
In 1967, state power dissolves several labor organizations, the FAU; Resistencia Obrero -
Estudiantil [5] was created in 1968 and is in hiding during the dictatorship and many of
its activists are victims of repression (murders, torture, "disappearances", etc.).
The "democratic transition" occurs in 1985, and immediately FAU reorganizes. Active in
local businesses, neighborhoods, FAU has also contributed to the creation of several
member organizations of the Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira [6] and is a member of
On the walls, the face of missing and disappeared under the dictatorship, Elena, Gerardo
Mauricio ... among them, and they, dead anarchists tortured, murdered-es, es thrown alive
from airplanes over the Rio Plate.
printing and democracy
The dictatorship crimes have left wounds that even after forty-one years, gape. In
Uruguay, impunity framed by the "Expiry Law of the Punitive Pretension del Estado" [7]
prevents the dictatorship of offenses can be considered, thus protecting the military and
the police officers responsible.
Even the physical assets stolen by the military have not been returned. One example among
many: FAU never recovered two premises acquired by its activists and equipment of these
... It's the rhythm of the offset printing machine Juan recounts his 16 years at the time
of the coup, his commitment to the armed struggle; not the Tupamaros, he deeply respects
but that of Resistencia Obrero - Estudiantil (ROE).
The Tupamaros considered the political and union should be at the service of the armed
unit, the ROE saw the armed unit of the service to the political and union. A time during
which collectively a generation almost finger the dream of another company ... but guerra
sucia [8] brought death, imprisonment, torture, exile. It lasted twelve years.
The return of democracy, rebuild FAU was already put his printing started: a printing
press is the freedom of ideas and the power to disseminate them.
During our meeting, the campaign against baja (plebiscite held simultaneously with the
presidential elections of 26 October proposing to drop to 16 the age of criminal
responsibility) was the priority of the moment.
But FAU has a diverse and lively activity: animation Ateneos [9]. in neighborhoods,
defending nature reserves and campaigns against polluters bosses, radio broadcasts,
publishing house, and especially a strong presence in several unions. FAU's comrades are
very present in particular in that of secondary school teachers, taxi drivers and
telephone operators in (see next page), metal workers, graphic arts, etc. The old house
walls faded, the apparent electrical son and yellowish bulbs bubbling with life,
discussions, culture, openness to the world with a library on site, well rooted in the
real struggles of the Uruguayan population.
Abóbora (Playa Verde)
[1] Ediciones Recortes - Magallanes 1766 Uruguay; 4 2002/2006 volumes. Juan Carlos Mechoso
participated in the creation of the FAU which he is still a member.
[2] regional working Uruguayan Federation.
[3] The Coordinator.
[4] The National Liberation Movement - Tupamaros, created around 1962 led the armed
struggle and grows in as spectacular and popular actions. Ideologically fueled by Chinese
revolutions, Algeria and Cuba, the MLN-Tupamaros represents a specific revolutionary way
to Uruguay. It will be destroyed militarily in 1972.
[5] working and student resistance.
[6] Brazilian Anarchist Coordination.
[7] sunset Law of the punitive claim of the State.
[8] The "dirty war" is a term used to denote the state repression that took place in the
1960s, 1970s and 1980s in Latin America, first in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and the
entire Southern Cone in the 1970s, and then in Central America.
[9] Athénées