(en) Ahali Gazetesi-Newspaper - March 8, International
Working Women's Day in Ankara announced two anarchist conscientious
Red for Women (tr) [machine translation]
Working Women's Day on March 8, International Women Zeynep from anarchists in Ankara
announced Calendula flower and fade of conscientious objection: ---- Because I explain my
conscientious objection, ---- A baby soldier powers owner who determines the enemy was
born, a man of "country debt," he forced the ways to die, the task of a woman "cultivate
good son to the motherland and the nation" as adledip women make the invisible subject of
war stinking holiness hiçleştir the militarist system is the work itself. From the moment
we were born this nationalist embroidered in our minds, sexist, I refuse militarism
produces the values of patriarchy again. ---- No I Do Not! ---- What is a man's debt is
the duty of women to serve die nor death! ---- The power to maintain its existence,
milliyetçillikl trying to listen to pumping more blood akıtıp hypnotized, I do not believe
the lie that lives up to find!
Take our life goals that militarized, I will take part in this system that legitimizes
And yes, I'm a woman. My hands, saying that the nation state of the country which drains
blood contamination dirty justifying will not sacrifice my blood fed womb militaristic
system. And if a child be born to persist in the future peace and fascism plays,
unlimited, free to fight for a world and live it!
Word is a child's amazement in Kurdistan "la la" ... the most feared side of the silence
of one minute call time on "a girl is born" as the saying goes stunned deeply and voice
this time, "la la" ... "" Read! "he Starting text of holiness, the obscurity of the
meaning of the fatal words "crime and punishment" dilemma is not hidden in sturdy?
handing deaths of the war; government to create man throwing up erkekçik, sacred ground,
making the conquest of women as a reward for the conquest of the land right.
War: the state, are the ones who fought the state vomited. "Holy" is mapped to fight it be
recalled and men, is called the woman, which is sacred to enter the state, the work of
statelets. "Saturation" under the guise of fasting is deployed, land blessed to give
products of the sacred and the woman ... Divinity's denial, the territory battle is
bloody, bloody soil products inedible!
Crime and requested those called to fight the other side of penalty dilemma but unexpected
childhood. No women have children from the state government does not want to be, and no
child can not be sure from him ..
First action did that? Yarayılış; The buried soil as sacred and "femininity" ...
Volunteering has become imperative, femininity is considered necessary for the war, large
family, fraternal society, the state, I refuse bloody land. This is the homeland of the
answer to the question of who the privacy of any country, though not mine and fill the
weapons the devil or man, I refuse that my mother is the person who fills the weapon.
War is the sound of creating those not resistance, "la la" and denial states of the
resist, in this land TC dir.red DUmdUr!