Chapter titled:

Problems at the Species-Population Level.

DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-75376-3_5.
in the book entitled: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources.
1991, pp 59-98.


This is a starting fragment of the text:
A population is a basic elementary unit at the species-population level. In the sense of evolution genetics, as population is designated a minimum self-propagating group of single-species individual animals which inhabits a certain space for an evolutionary long period, generates a self-maintained genetic system and forms its own ecological niche. A population is always an adequately numerous group of individual animals which is isolated from other similar groups for a large number of generations.
In the chapter, the most fundamental, urgent and serious issues of biodiversity conservation at the level of polulations and species are formulated, organized into a system, and analyzed. Among the urgent issues the following are considered: conservation of prokayotes, fungi, plants, and animals. Special sections are focused on conservation of biodiversity of fish, amphibians and reptiles, birds, and mammals.