We bundled up and went at about 9 am. Scarlett wanted to do her scooter and I wore my roller blades. It worked out well because when she got tired I just pushed her.
We took several rest stops. The kids liked checking out the creek.
There is a nice view at the top. The kids were getting tired right before we made it to the end so I had to encourage them a bit. But I'm glad that we were able to do the whole thing. I think it is about a mile and a half each way but I didn't measure or any thing. Most of the way out is up hill so the kids got tired, but going back was downhill so it was much faster and easier.
There were quit a few dogs on the path and Penelope and Scarlett are afraid of dogs. I almost want to get one just so they can get used to them. I saw this labradoodle that was beautiful and so now I want one of those. I heard they are good dogs. Does anyone know much about them? Or where to get a dog?