10 Things I Love

Since it's Valentine's Day, I thought of make a festive post. I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day because of the pressure to buy things for no reason other than society tells you to, though it isn't this way in Egypt from what I've seen today. It is about love and I do appreciate love. So here are 10 things I love. 

1. The smell of onions frying. Egyptians love onions, so it is often an ingredient in the cooking process. When we start cooking, especially meat, we put olive oil in the pot or pan or whatever and then put very very chopped onions in and when it's sizzling, it's smells good. 

2. Chocolate milkshakes, ice cream and Cinnabon. What do these things have in common other than empty calories and sugar? Things I buy at the mall. Me and my friend have a tradition where we go to Cinnabon once a month because we can. 

3. Eleanor and Park. I read this book a week ago. It's about two teens, Eleanor and Park, who fall in love amidst mix tapes and comic books in the '80s. It's really cute and I love it so much. I read it in one day. All the feels. 

4. Scarves. Whether they're on your head, neck, or both, I love scarves. And most of them are really pretty. 

5. Books. I think I love books more than I love reading (though I love that too). But I love books. The way they feel when the majority of the pages switch from one hand to another. Sometimes the way they smell. 

6. My friends and family. This is a pretty obvious one, but honestly I wouldn't be where I am today without the support of all the people who love me. Cheesy much?

7. Giraffes. They can kick a lion in the skull and kill them. Their tongues are blue and can reach their ears. They're tall. What's not to love?

8. Egyptian money. The money is different colors and sizes and they have historical things on them. It's really cool. 

9. ASMUN. It's been really fun and educational so far. I've met some really great people. I just started my sessions with the college students yesterday, it was really fun and no one knew I was 16 until I told them. 

10. Egypt, the entire exchange experience, and all the things it's given me. Confidence. Independence. Courage. Language. Friends. Family. Education. Just the right amount of fear (the fear when you do things out of your comfort zone). A more broad outlook (ba dum tsss). And everything else. 

School started a week ago, so I've been kind of busy getting back into the groove of things. I am also tired because that's what happens. Tomorrow I have a down day and I'll have an update on life in Egypt. 

Until then, tell your loved ones you love them. It is Valentine's day after all. But don't forget to tell your loved ones you love them every other day too. That's what love is, real and constant, not just on a Hallmark holiday. Also pizza. Love is pizza. 

You are awesome. I love you. Learn something today. 



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