Updated. Citation by Prof. V.A.Abakumov. ??????????? ??????????? ?.?.?????????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ????????, ?????????????. ????????????? ????????, ????? ?? ?????????? ?????, ????????, ?????? ??????????, ???????????, ?????? ????????, ??????????, ?????????????;
?????? ????????????? ???? ?.?.???????? (???. ???????? ?????????????? ???????????? ?????, ??? ???????????? ????????? ??????????? ??????? ? ????????) ???????? ????????? ??????????:
?????? ????????????? ????, ????????? ?.?.???????? (???. ???????? ?????????????? ???????????? ?????, ??? ???????????? ????????? ??????????? ??????? ? ????????) ???????? ????????? ??????????:
??? ????????????? ??? ??????????:
????? ? ???????? ??????????? ??????? ???? ?? ?????????? ????? ? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ? ??????????
???????? ?.?.
?????? ???? ? ????? = Achievements of life sciences. 2012. ? 5. ?. 121-126.
Additonal information, online publications:
?????? ????????????? ???? ?.?.???????? (???. ???????? ?????????????? ???????????? ?????, ??? ???????????? ????????? ??????????? ??????? ? ????????) ???????? ????????? ??????????:
?????? ????????????? ????, ????????? ?.?.???????? (???. ???????? ?????????????? ???????????? ?????, ??? ???????????? ????????? ??????????? ??????? ? ????????) ???????? ????????? ??????????:
????? (?? ???????? ?????) Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej. [=Introduction to Biochemical Ecology] Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN [= PWN Press], 1992. 205 p.
| |||
?????????? ?.?., ? ??. ???????? ? ???????? ????????????? ????????: ?????????????, ???????? ?????????, ?????? ?????. ?.: ?????. 1990. 288 ?.
| |||
??????????? ??? ?????? ????????? ??????? ???????? ? ???????? ????????? ? ?????? ???????????//???????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ????, 2003. T. 5. ? 2. ?.249-255.
| |||
? ????????? ???????? ????? ???????? ? ????????//????????????? ????? 2011. 20(3): 179-188.
| |||
??????????????? ??????? ???????? ?????????????? ????????? ????????? ? ???????? ? ????????? ?????????????? ???????????//???????? ? ?????????????? ??????, 2011, ??????, ?.24-27. |
??? ????????????? ??? ??????????:
????? ? ???????? ??????????? ??????? ???? ?? ?????????? ????? ? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ? ??????????
???????? ?.?.
?????? ???? ? ????? = Achievements of life sciences. 2012. ? 5. ?. 121-126.
Additonal information, online publications:
Recent posts, environmental toxicology, water quality, related issues, in January 2015:
- Rating, altmetrics go up: Toxicity of gold nanopar...
- Updated. ??????????? ?.?.?????????? ?????????? ?? ...
- 1040 views on 29.01.2015. Tags: Environmental, ???...
- Citation of articles authored by Moscow University...
- ? ????? ???????? ? ????????????? ????????. ????? ?...
- ???????? ? ????????????? ????????. 1986. ?.: ???-?...
- 1000 views / readers of these online articles on e...
- Increase in ranking of article: Toxicity of gold n...
- 4 PUBLICATIONS. Water, heavy metals, nanoparticles...
- Super-popular ecology articles: 32 thousand viewer...
- PubMed, DOI, Environmental science and biosciences...
- 972 views on 27.01.2015. environmental, ranking,Co...
- book: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources ...
- Updtd. Review, WorldCat. Paper rated: excellent. B...
- Article titled: Biodiversity protection and qualit...
- 1504 views. 26th January 2015. ecology, environmen...
- Copper oxide nanoparticles and aquatic plants Elod...
- Increase in ranking. The article ranks 1st, compar...
- 2010-2014. Selected publications, short list. S.A....
- New facts on environmental chemistry of nanomateri...
- Interest attracted to article: Biocatalysis of Ma...
- 26.1.2015. New evidence of merit: ecology papers, ...
- in journal, Doklady Biological Sciences, 18 articl...
- Discovery of a new threat from chemical pollution ...
- New facts that prove: conservation of biodiversity...
- 25.1.2015. Ecology, 1209 views, ecosystems, PubMe...
- PubMed. Articles. S.A.Ostroumov, environmental sci...
- 6 Recommended articles: ecosystem, ecotoxicology, ...
- 16-25 th January, lots of new posts. Environmental...
- 25.1.2015. increase in ranking. On the Biotic Self...
- 25.1.2015. Citation of publications of Dr. Sergei ...
- Recent publications on ecology, environmental scie...
- 24.01.2015. Downloads at Top universities in U.K.,...
- Mexico. Citation of: Ostroumov S.A. (2006) Biologi...
- Updtd: ResearchGate: Environmental science 20 top ...
- 1615 views, 23.01.2015. Environment, water, self-p...
- Cited: Phytotoxicity of a surfactant-containing pr...
- ??????????, ????????????, ????????, ?????????? ???...
- Downloads, U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Ind...
- 23.1.2015. New citation of: On the Biotic Self-pur...
- Extended list of keywords. for articles: On the bi...
- On the biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosyst...
- 22.01.2015. environmental science. 1575 views. I...
- 2014, citation of: Ostroumov, S. A., 2005. Some a...
- 22.01.2015. Top papers, Top articles rank 1st, amo...
- Biocatalysis of matter transfer in a microcosm is ...
- The concept of aquatic biota as a labile and vulne...
- Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogeni...
- Biological Filtering and Ecological Machinery for ...
- Effects of aquatic pollution by a non-ionogenic su...
- Among top papers: Biocontrol of water quality: Mul...
- 22.01.2015. many posts, January 15-21, environment...
- Citation of: Some aspects of water filtering activ...
- WorldCat: new favorable review of: Studying effec...
- 22.01.2015. WorldWideScience Alliance. U.S. Depart...
- 21.01.2015, most viewed, during 23 hours: 21 Janua...
- Who cited the paper: On the biotic self-purificat...
- 21.01.2015, most viewed posts on environmental sci...
- These publications were liked by Internet users. E...
- Short list of relevant publications 2011-2014, S.A...
- Article. On the biotic self-purification of aquati...
- Article: On some issues of maintaining water quali...
- Article. Some aspects of water filtering activity ...
- Article: Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding b...
- 1684 views a day of 20.01.2015; one of highest num...
- The paper Ranks 1st among other articles of a simi...
- Paper ranks 1st among articles of similar age in H...
- Citation of: Inhibitory analysis of top-down contr...
- Citation of: On the biotic self-purification of aq...
- Citation of: Some aspects of water filtering acti...
- 2010-2014, Publication, ??????????, S.A.Ostroumov...
- Citation of: Studying effects of some surfactants ...
- 2015. New citation of publications of Moscow Unive...
- ?????????????? ?????? ?????????. ??????? ?????????...
- ????????????? ????????? ? ?????? ???????????: ????...
- Super-interesting blog posts, recently, on ecology...
- 19.01.2015. Citation, other evidence of merit, app...
- 1245 readers on 18.01.2015. Ecology, environment, ...
- Top paper, ranks 1st among Other articles of a si...
- 150 online posts, January 1-18, 2015, environment,...
- 10 most recent posts, 18.01.2015, environmental sc...
- Download. French professor, Universit� de Bretagne...
- January 17, environment, ecology, reviews of top p...
- review updated: 25 top achievements: environmental...
- 17.01.2015. Water self-purification, selected pape...
- Citation in Republic of Moldova. S.A.Ostroumov's a...
- 95 posts prior to January17, ecology, environment,...
- 17.1.2015; January 8-17, posts, environmental scie...
- Some posts in January 2015, prior to 15th January...
- Posts in January, selected, ecology, environment, ...
- 7 posts in January 2015. Environment, ecology, wit...
- 17.01.2015; 1 220 readers viewed posts, environme...
- new followers, Twitter. Notification from Internet...
- Interest to publications of a Moscow University re...
- 16.01.2015. Publications on ecology, results of Mo...
- The answer to this question was upvoted on Researc...
- 16.1.2015. New follower of Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov...
- This was downloaded today: this publication was ju...
- All are welcome to the new group on water quality ...
- ?-? ????.???? ????????? ?????? ?????????, ? ??. ?...
- This researcher was endorsed by independent expert...
- 10 most viewed posts on 15.01.2015, environment, e...
- Metrics, rating, score go up. These papers have al...
- Influencer in Internet, environmental science, eco...
- 15.1.2015. New citation of book in Spain, Czech Re...
- 15.01.2015;Netherlands, U.S. New citation, ecology...
- ???????????? ??????????? ??????????. ?????????? ??...
- ???????????? ??????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??...
- Lots of attention to posts, environmental science,...
- Links Environmental science, Ecology, Water qualit...
- Worldcat reviews of papers: ecology, environment, ...
- Score of 3 papers up: the altmetric score of t...
- Ranking, score upward: Effect of Amphiphilic Che...
- Rank, score goes up: Toxicity of gold nanoparticle...
- Increase in rating: Inhibitory Analysis of Regulat...
- Most viewed online: 1229 views, papers, ranking #1...
- Conservation of Living Nature and Resources: Probl...
- New citation of the book: Yablokov, A.V. and Ostro...
- New citation of "Polyfunctional role of biodiversi...
- Recent increase in number of publications, downloa...
- Most recent 11-13 January 2015, posts on ecology, ...
- Ecology articles increased their score, ranking to...
- Article ranks 1st; Some aspects of water filterin...
- High-rank papers: ranking, scoring attention to th...
- The Hazard of a Two-Level Synergism of Synecologic...
- Posts in 2015, January, environmental science, eco...
- 22 papers, peer-reviewed journal, Doklady Biologic...
- On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosyst...
- 10.1.2015. Most viewed posts: ecology, environment...
- Article: Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of...
- 11 most recent posts: publications with high scori...
- Score, ranking goes up: On the concepts of biochem...
- Paper ranks 1st. Studying effects of some surfacta...
- Article ranks 2nd among many papers. The Effect of...
- Article ranks 1st: Biocontrol of water quality: Mu...
- Rank: 2nd; Article titled: Some aspects of water f...
- Rank: 1st. On the Multifunctional Role of the Biot...
- Study of the interactions between Elodea canadensi...
- Top ecology paper. Score: higher than 82% of its c...
- Ranks 1st, nanotoxicology paper, recommended to re...
- Article: Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: ...
- High-rank articles, environment science, scoring i...
- Well-cited environmental science articles, selecte...
- Citation of works of Moscow University researcher ...
- 08.01.15. Updated. Top Innovation: Mini-review. Ec...
- 8.1.2015. Inhibitory analysis of top-down control...
- Links to many Springer papers: On the Biotic Self-...
- Most interesting on the 1st week of the New Year 2...
- Download. Interest to top papers, ecology, protect...
- 8.1.2015. Some aspects of water filtering activity...
- updated 8.1.2015. Article: Inhibitory analysis of...
- On the multifunctional role of the biota in the se...
- 7.1.2015. Most viewed posts on ecology, environmen...
- 08.01.2015. 3 Recent blog posts. Ecology, water qu...
- Internet liked it: Availability online of the arti...
- Ranks 1st among all articles in the journal titled...
- Ranks 1st. Responses of Unio tumidus to Mixed Chem...
- Pellets of some mollusks in the biogeochemical flo...
- Toxicity of gold nanoparticles for plants in exper...
- Responses of #Unio tumidus to Mixed #Chemical Prep...
- The Synecological Approach to the Problem of Eutro...
- The Effect of Synthetic Surfactants on the Hydrobi...
- On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Se...
- New followers who follow environmental science new...
- Phytotoxicity of a surfactant-containing product t...
- Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of wa...
- updated. references: 25 innovative publications on...
- Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes l...
- Google+ mention: On the concepts of biochemical ec...
- 06.01.15. Updated Innovation: Mini-review. Ecosyst...
- Springer article: new concept of aquatic ecosystem...
- Springer papers, Google+, mentions, https://plus.g...
- Recommended top articles. Ecology, environmental s...
- Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of wa...
- Cambridge University Press journal cited results ...
- On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobi...
- Article: The role of biodetritus in accumulation o...
- Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role ...
- Article: Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctio...
- updated. 25 publications, Environmental science,...
- new follower from U.S.A. This U.S. scientist follo...
- Most viewed at the moment: 6.1.2015; 00.05
- Citation of the best, top publications on ecology,...
- repost. repost of useful blog post with link. OCT ...
- Beauty of the Crimea (Russian Federation) Portugu...
- Internet users liked this: 100 recent online artic...
- British, English, universities, Cambridge, Oxford,...
- 5.1.2014. Reviews (favorable) of publications on e...
- Attention of Internet users to this file with link...
- Downloads: Italy, Romania, Canada, U.S., Russia, G...
- repost. useful links. ecology, environment, free, ...
- Jan 4, 2015. Useful posts: ecology, environment, w...
- 4.1.2015. more than 100 bibliographic references,...
- Fast increase in number of readers of this file wi...
- 100 recent online articles/posts, and Keywords: to...
- 3. 1.2015; 100 recent online articles/posts, envir...
- Recent 24 hours, most viewed. Ecology, environment...
- 105 Articles, ResearchGate. Full texts available o...
- ResearchGate. 105 Full texts available online free...
- 03.01.2015. Repost. ???????? ???????????? ? ????? ...
- ????? ??????????? ? 2014. ?????????? ?????: ??????...
- Attention of experts, impact. Articles online, of ...
- FEATURED PUBLICATIONS Available online free free, ...
- Downloads, recent 24 days. Canada, U.S., Russia, B...
- 2.1.2014; 10 often viewed ecology publications on ...
- Much attention: 6 top papers, viewed more than 500...
- Huge attention to 5 publications (environment, eco...
- Blog mentioned [ http://sergostroumov.scienceblog....
- 22 blog posts, January 1-2, 2014: online attention...
- Blog mentioned: Anthropogenic effects on the biota...
- Blog mentioned: Medium-term and long-term priorit...
- Blog mentioned: Studying effects of some surfactan...
- Blog mentioned: Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor:...
- Blogs mention: On the multifunctional role of the...
- 3 Blogs mentioned: Biocontrol of Water Quality: M...
- Mention: On the concepts of biochemical ecology an...
- Blog mentioned: The role of biodetritus in accumul...
- Blog mentioned: Basics of the molecular-ecological...
- Blog mentioned: Inhibition of mussel suspension fe...
- Blog mentioned: Some aspects of water filtering ac...
- Blog mentioned: Inhibitory analysis of top-down co...
- Blog mentioned: Polyfunctional role of biodiversit...
- Blog mentioned: An Amphiphilic Substance Inhibits ...
- Blog mentioned: Criteria of ecological hazards due...
- Blog mentioned: Biological filtering and ecologica...
- Attention attracted: Effect of nonionogenic surfac...
- Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter...
- Data on impact, 5 articles on ecology, Water sci...
- Attention, impact: articles on biology, ecology, ...
- cited: "Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: n...
- 1st day of New Year, most viewed posts, with bigge...