BIRMINGHAM, Ala. –January 23, 2015–Girl Scout Troop 122 members Caroline Kracke, Molly Russell, Campbell Swing, Derrin Upshaw, Helen Walthall and Anna Kate Yeager, students at Cherokee Bend Elementary School, recently earned the Girl Scout Bronze Award for their project “Teaching Rainbow Loom @ the ‘Y’.”. The girls participated in a sisterhood project - they shared a popular activity (making rainbow loom bracelets) with members of an after school program. This inspired them to make something tangible while having fun.
The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Junior (fourth and fifth grades) can earn. This award recognizes that a Girl Scout Junior has gained the leadership and planning skills required to follow through with a project that makes a positive difference in her community.
About Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama
Girl Scouting gives every girl access to life-changing experiences that inspire her to do something BIG! Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama is a United Way community partner and serves over 15,000 girl members grades K-12 and 5,000 volunteers in programs across 36 counties. For more information, call 800-734-4541 or visit