Trifle, wine, decluttering and poetry...

I'm eating some leftover trifle from last night's BBQ. It's 4pm and I'm having pudding, and I don't even care!

We hosted some friends last night and one of my lovely girlfriends bought ingredients for a delicious mocktail which she wizzed up in my blender. Mmmmm deliciousness… am going to feature it as a 'Drink of the Week' at Living Sober and also on my Facebook page. It was very delicious.

After we'd had a few mocktails I offered my girlfriends some wine and I thought they might be hesitant to have some. I hadn't hosted them at my house before but we go to movies together regularly and occasionally cafes or restaurants. They obviously know all about my sobriety, but I wanted them to feel comfortable to have a wine! I know they're total 'normies' so wouldn't a normie want to have a wine at a BBQ?

Sure enough they all said yes and I happily poured them glasses. It's so interesting to me now how I don't wrestle with myself about whether to have any, nor do I feel like I'm missing out. It's just stuff I don't touch now. The blokes were having a few beers. I don't care. I don't care in the slightest.


Mr D and I have had a satisfying day de-cluttering our house. Making a pile of stuff for the dump and a couple of bags to go to the second-hand shop. Sooooooo satisfying! And it keeps the kids occupied (not that they do much other than buzz around us watching us work).

I feel alive, grounded, raw, real, brave, emotional, imperfect, nuanced, ordinary, free.

I am incredibly grateful to be fully present in my one wild and precious life.

That's a quote from a Mary Oliver poem. Actually the full line is this…

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

Tell me.

Love, Mrs D xxx

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