The Charlie Hebdo Aftermath -- News Updates January 12, 2015

French soldiers patrol near the Eiffel Tower as part of the highest level of "Vigipirate" security plan after a shooting at the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo January 12, 2015. Credit: REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes

France 24: France deploys 10,000 troops amid hunt for attack accomplices

The Charlie Hebdo Aftermath -- News Updates January 12, 2015

French terror attacks - further coverage -- BBC
France hunts for attack accomplices, deploys 10,000 troops. -- AP
Paris attacks: France to deploy 10,000 troops -- BBC
France mobilizes 10,000 troops at home after Paris shootings -- Reuters
French security forces mobilize in war on 'jihadism' -- USA Today
France to deploy 10,000 troops on home soil; Kerry to visit -- L.A. Times
France mobilizes 10,000 security forces to protect sensitive sites -- FOX News
France to Deploy Thousands of Forces to Protect Jewish Schools and 'Sensitive Sites' -- NYT
France Boosts Security at 'Sensitive' Sites After Attacks -- VOA
‘The threat is still present’: 10,000 troops patrol streets as France hunts for terror accomplice likely in Syria -- New York Daily News
France to deploy 5,000 police to protect Jewish sites. -- YNet News
France Ramps Up Security at Jewish Schools and Synagogues -- WSJ
France Widens Hunt for Accomplices, Marshalls 10,000 Troops -- Bloomberg Businessweek

Paris Terror Attacks: Hideout Where the Gunman Likely Prepared for Paris Attacks -- ABC News
Charlie Hebdo massacre gunman reportedly knew underwear bomber -- FOX News
Paris kosher market attacker was in U.S. terror database, source says -- CNN
'They were too weak to resist jihad,' says former boarding school teacher: How Kouachi brothers went from football-loving teenagers with no interest in religion to extremist killers -- Daily Mail
FBI reveals imam who inspired Charlie Hebdo terrorists was busted multiple times for soliciting prostitutes -- Daily Mail

Millions across France join 'unprecedented' rallies against terrorism -- France 24
Massive crowds join march for solidarity in Paris -- Washington Post
Millions March in France Against Terrorism -- VOA

Criticism mounts over thin US presence at Paris rally, Kerry schedules France visit -- FOX News
Too little too late? Kerry says he WILL go to Paris but only after U.S. was shamed for snubbing historic weekend rally of world leaders -- Daily Mail
Kerry defends absence from unity rally, will go to Paris on Thursday. -- CNN
Kerry announces planned Paris trip, says criticism for missing march 'quibbling'. -- FOX News

Killed at the desks where they fearlessly refused to give in to extremists' threats: New pictures from inside Charlie Hebdo offices reveal how victims were shot before they had a chance to move -- Daily Mail
Charlie Hebdo Staff Rush to Prepare Post-Attack Edition -- WSJ
'Bruised and defeated' girlfriend of murdered Charlie Hebdo editor will NOT attend his funeral after his family publicly disowned her and claimed they were not in a relationship -- Daily Mail

World press: French are not alone after attacks -- BBC
Key questions around the Charlie Hebdo killings go unanswered -- Robert Hackwill, Euronews
Paris Hebdo attacks: Could French authorities have stopped them? -- Colette Davidson, CSM
Attack vigils restore French pride - but now what? -- Reuters
Three Days That Shook France: How Police Hunted Down Paris Killers -- Matt Campbell, Helene Fouquet, Greg Viscusi and Tara Patel, Bloomberg Businessweek

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