Stacking the Shelves (Jan. 11, 2015)

Tynga of Team Tynga's Reviews has a meme to spotlight the books we receive each week. Visit her site to check out the linky and see what everyone gets. I guarantee that your TBR pile will grow. 

This week I added three new books.
I got Trace of Magic by Diana Pharaoh Francis for my Kindle this week. It was a daily deal.

I also got Cursed Moon by Jaye Wells in my actual mailbox. I have been collecting this series since I read another story about Kate Prospero.
Trust No One by Jayne Ann Krentz downloaded to my Kindle on Tuesday. I read it later in the week. I really enjoy all of Krentz's books but her romantic suspense titles are the ones I like the best.
What did you add to your stack?

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