(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - 40 years
after the Veil law, continue the fight for women's rights! (fr, it,
pt) [machine translation]
Take this symbolic anniversary date in the right to abortion on demand and still growing,
because it must be said: even today, it is simple or abortion nor to say. ---- An
austerity policy in the service of a reactionary state capitalist and patriarchal. ----
The overall attacks and reforms of successive governments of both right and left have
destroyed public services with successively T2A, then HPST. We no longer speak of hospital
care quality but to "return" it is not surprising that abortion becomes any act, not
especially profitable to boot. Instead of focusing a home by trained and volunteer staff
in specific premises, CIVG are integrated in gynecology (as in Croix Rousse), or
outpatient surgery (as in South Lyon), with a staff always understaffed.
In France, as part of the implementation of the government action "100% refund," the
poorest and foreign women not eligible as of the AME have great difficulty that abortion
is supported. In addition, foreign and / or non-resident requesting abortion are subject
to the same conditions as French citizens, but abortion is not supported by the State if
the act practiced in France is contrary to the laws the country of origin of women.
As law, abortion is not questioned, but his opponents want their voices heard. The
collective "Run for Life", close to "The AKI for all" and Catholic circles, for example,
shows in Paris on January 19 to demand the abolition of abortion.
Social pressure of a patriarchal society
We should be able to abort without any judgment is carried, and when desired. Yet it is
the opposite that we still see today: guilt, judgments and attacks from the far right and
all religions flourish.
How not revolt when we know that doctors have the right to put forward a conscience clause
when a woman requests an abortion? Even if they are required to inform, they must still
moving towards the appropriate services and in sufficient time. Because the consequences
can be traumatic and costly for exceeding the legal limit of 12 weeks.
In the world
All women of the world should have access to contraception and abortion, free and open
fully repaid. And yet one finds that back...
In Europe, abortion is still not allowed to Cyprus, Malta, Poland, Ireland...
In the world, the list goes on. Within the European Union, a text that called widespread
access to contraception and safe abortion services was rejected in December 2013? by the
European Parliament.
The attacks from the right and the extreme right and Catholic fundamentalists, very
offensive on the right to abortion, multiply: underhanded actions on the internet under
the guise of help and advice to abortion rallies in the street for events and prayers...
The countries that say they respect all freedoms and even doing the lesson to others, this
theme anything better to offer to women wishing to stop a pregnancy. And note that
recently in Spain, thanks to popular mobilization that abortion was not simply deleted.
This is the fight that women got the decriminalization of abortion is the fight that we
will get:
The freedom to dispose of our own bodies and our sexuality without intrusion of the state
and religions The recognition of our ability to decide whether we want to be mothers or
not, when we want, without guardianship, no period of reflection, we are minor or major,
with or without papers.
Sex education to enjoy our own sexuality, safely, with autonomy and responsibility,
breaking with the hetero-normativity.
The inclusion of social emergency as the reduction of inequalities in land access to sex
education, contraception, and abortion.
The introduction of the autonomous CIVG the hospital to the Croix-Rousse and Lyon Sud, and
more generally against hospital restructuring in order to maintain specific CIVG with
trained dedicated staff.
Full refund of abortion through the first consultation to post-abortion ultrasound control.
Free abortion repaid and accessible for all! Free contraception, free and available for all!
The fight has paid, is the fight that will pay!
Tract of the anti-patriarchal Committee on CGA Lyon