(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #245 - 20. Autonomy of social movements: Let's save ourselves (fr, it, pt)

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #245 - 20. Autonomy of
social movements: Let's save ourselves (fr, it, pt) [machine

Associations and unions began to meet, on the initiative of United, to rest the 
foundations of an ancient claim: that the autonomy of the social movement from political 
organizations. ---- Number of political organizations practice to deny the autonomy of 
social movements, including trade unions. But making this finding has no interest if we do 
not accompanied by an analysis of the reasons for this situation and decisions to address 
them. Decisions that should concern primarily not those who exploit, but our unions, our 
associations fighting, our collective militants, so they are armed enough to outflank 
perpetually renewed. ---- This reflection particularly resurfaced in Solidarity with the 
national office decided before last summer, check with various organizations if the 
revival of a process of reflection and practice the autonomy of the social movement was a 
shared concern. This resulted in the first few meetings since September, organized around 
the following questions: How did we go from the practice of power-cons to that expertise 
in social movements? Why convergences are they limited to campaigns on a particular theme? 
How has operated a downturn "identity" of social movements in their field of activities? 
How to avoid the lure one organizational form can enclose the plurality of social 
movements and their social bases? How to respond to the depoliticization of the 
fundamental issues of society?

Renewing the momentum

In 1998, a "Call for the autonomy of the social movement" had been published by trade 
unionists and activists and activists[1] followed by a second the following year. Today, 
the gains realized in these positions are in part to reclaim, partly recontextualise. In 
2006, there was an attempt to build a "convergence network of social movements" forgotten 

It is necessary to take this time to regain the momentum. And further broaden the 
organizations involved. Several organizations are involved in the process: DAL, the 
Federation of Associations of Solidarity with tou-te-s the immigrant-es (Fasti), Attac, 
Friends of the Earth, the Association for employment, information and solidarity 
unemployed and precarious workers (APEIS), AC!, the National Movement of unemployed and 
precarious (MNCP), the International Association of technicians, experts and researchers 
(AITEC, network Initiatives for Another World), the movement of growth objectors... the 
union side, the local panel is narrower: Solidarity, CNT-SO and Peasant Confederation.

Christian (AL Transcom)

[1] See "The Dico anticapitalist Theo Rival: what does" the autonomy of the social 
movement "? " AL 229 in June 2013.


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