Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- January 7, 2015
Islamic State Video Threatened Jihad on France -- Josh Rogin, Bloomberg
What is Charlie Hebdo, the provocative satirical newspaper attacked by gunmen in Paris? -- Abby Phillip and Abby Ohlheiser, Washington Post
Why was French Magazine Charlie Hebdo an Islamist Target? -- Sputnik
Charlie Hebdo attack: Why Western satire especially riles some nations and groups -- Lisa Suhay, CSM
Analysis: Al Qaeda and other jihadists repeatedly threatened French magazine -- Thomas Joscelyn, Long War Journal
We're All Charlie Hebdo -- Bloomberg editorial
Europe must unite after Charlie Hebdo attack -- CSM editorial
Paris slaughter can't silence free expression: Our view -- USA Today editorial
Paris terrorists aimed at freedom of expression, we must defend it -- L.A. Times editorial
Islamist Terror in Paris -- WSJ
When extremism attacks artists -- Deutsche Welle
Is Charlie Hebdo shooting linked to growing threat from Islamist extremism? -- Laura Smith-Spark, CNN
Paris Gunmen Were Old-Style Terrorists -- Noah Feldman, Bloomberg
Islamist Terror Attack in Paris -- Gary Schmitt, Weekly Standard
Charlie Hebdo: Now is the time to uphold freedoms and not give in to fear -- Simon Jenkins, The Guardian
Charlie Hebdo attack roils an already on-edge France -- Sara Miller Llana
Charlie Hebdo Attack Revenge for Magazine's Anti-Jihadist Cartoon -- Sputnik
France’s tough task in reacting to the horrific attack on Charlie Hebdo -- Jim Hoagland, Washington Post
Fears of turning point for French politics after Charlie Hebdo attack -- Angelique Chrisafis, The Guardian
Terror in Paris shows the limits of appeasement -- Amir Taheri, New York Post
Jihadist Slaughter in France: The Islamist attack on Charlie Hebdo was an attack on free thought and creative expression. -- Tom Rogan, NRO
The Attack on Charlie Hebdo -- Amy Davidson, New Yorker
The Provocative History of French Weekly Newspaper Charlie Hebdo -- Megan Gibson, Time
Charlie Hebdo's spirit will endure, despite this atrocity -- Jessica Reed, The Guardian
The Charlie Hebdo Attackers Were Attacking You Too -- James Poniewozik, Time
Charlie Hebdo Editor Made Provocation His Mission -- Ravi Somaiya, New York Times
Charlie Hebdo’s history of challenging and angering fundamentalists -- Ian Black, The Guardian
‘Who’d dare publish now?’ Swedish cartoonist’s concerns after Paris attack -- RT
First-Hand Account From The Terrorist Attack on Charlie-Hebdo -- Claire Berlinski, Ricochet