Archaeologists trying to link Maurya dynasty to Nepal temple

Nepalese and British archaeologists are trying to find a link between Maurya dynasty of India from third century BC, and Pashupatinath Temple of Nepal, which is believed to date back to the fifth century BC.

Archaeologists trying to link Maurya dynasty to Nepal temple
Pilgrims meditate at Maya Devi Temple [Credit: Durham University]
Various coins, artifacts and water tanks were unearthened during an excavation carried out jointly by Pashupati Area Development Trust (PADT), the authority that manages the Pashupatinath Temple, and UK's Durhan University.

"During the first phase of excavation which started last year, we have unearthed a 25-metre-long and 5-metre-deep water tank, which is supposed to supply drinking water to the city during 7th century AD," said Kosh Prasad Acharya, executive director, PADT.

"We have also recovered a copper a coin with the inscription of 'Pashupatinath', sealed clay and clay potteries in the area, he said speaking at an interaction programme in Kathmandu. These suggest that there was a well-managed town spreading some half a square kilometer area at that time, he added.

Geophysical studies with modern scientific technology was used for the first time in conducting the archaeological studies in Pashupatinath temple area. Prof Robin Coningham, who has been involved in the archaeological studies said that there is the possibility of Maurya period linkage to the Pashupatinath temple situated in the eastern part of Kathmandu city along the bank of Bagmati River.

Source: DNA India [Jabuary 06, 2015]

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