Addendum to correct PubMed Omissions. Environmental Science. Vital addendum to PubMed. Tags: Online free, environmental, science, ecology, water, pubmed omissions, toxicology, ecotoxicology, aquatic, protection, environment, bibliography, publications, articles, links, papers

Addendum to correct PubMed Omissions. Environmental Science. Vital addendum to PubMed.
Tags: Online free, environmental, science, ecology, water, pubmed omissions, toxicology, ecotoxicology, aquatic, protection, environment, bibliography, publications, articles, links, papers, results, Moscow University, PMID;

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The titles of the articles, Selected examples:
The aquatic macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum immobilizes Au nanoparticles after their addition to water.
Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: the phytoremediation potential.
On the biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: elements of the theory.
Effect of a cationic amphiphilic compound on rotifers.
The synecological approach to the problem of eutrophication.

The hazard of a two-level synergism of synecological summation of anthropogenic effects.

The aquatic macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum immobilizes Au nanoparticles after their addition to water.
Ostroumov SA, Kolesov GM.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2010 Mar-Apr; 431:124-127.
Key words: gold, nanomaterials, environmental science, plant biology, biogeochemistry;
Evidence of merit:
At a recent conference 'Ecosystems, Organisms, Innovations' (2014, Moscow, July 1), Diploma (Academy of Water Sciences) was awarded to this publication, to certify the quality of research, evidence of merit.
Ostroumov S. A., Kolesov G. M. The aquatic macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum immobilizes Au nanoparticles after their addition to water. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2010 (Mar - Apr), Vol. 431, p. 124–127. [© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., ISSN 0012-4966]. Original Russian Text © S.A. Ostroumov, G.M. Kolesov, 2010, published in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2010, Vol. 431, No. 4, pp. 566–569.  Presented by Academician M.A. Fedonkin July 31, 2009. Received February 11, 2009. DOI: 10.1134/S0012496610020158. In the paper, it was discovered that the aquatic plant (macrophyte) Ceratophyllum demersum immobilized gold (Au) nanoparticles after their addition to water. This is the first time it was shown that the nanoparticles of gold (Au) in substantial amount bind to the living biomass of the aquatic macrophyte, Ceratophyllum demersum. The concentrations of Au were measured in the samples of the phytomass using neutron activation analysis (NAA). As a result of the binding and/or immobilization of the nanoparticles, the amount of Au in the samples of the phytomass increased manifold (by a factor of 430) above the background level of gold in the plant tissues. The increase was by two orders of magnitude. The new data added some new information to the modern vision of the multifunctional role of the biota in the migration of elements in aquatic ecosystems. Also, the result added new information to the studies of interactions of Au with organisms that may contribute to new biotechnologies.; PMID: 20506851 [PubMed];;;;

Key words: nanotechnology, nanoparticles, Au, gold, biogeochemistry, biotechnology, aquatic plants, macrophyte, Ceratophyllum demersum, Immobilization, water quality, monitoring, environmental science, ecology, nanoparticles, aquatic environment
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PMID: 20506851 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 19994786
Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: the phytoremediation potential.
Ostroumov SA, Shestakova TV.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2009;428:444-447.

Ostroumov S.A., Shestakova T.V. Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: The phytoremediation potential // Doklady Biological Sciences, 2009, vol. 428, no. 1, p. 444-447. Finding: aquatic higher plants (macrophytes) Ceratophyllum demersum induced a significant removal of the heavy metals Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb from water. [publisher: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica];
DOI: 10.1134/S0012496609050159;;;
PMID: 19994786 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] ;;
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PMID: 19994786 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 15648211

On the biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: elements of the theory.
Ostroumov SA.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2004;396:206-11. Review.
Fundamental elements are formulated for a new qualitative theory of the multifunctional (polyfunctional) role of the biota in improving water quality and doing self-purification of water in aquatic ecosystems. The elements of the theory covers the following: sources of energy for the mechanisms of water self-purification; the main functional blocks of the system of self-purification; the system of the main processes that are involved; the analysis of the degree of participation of the main large taxa; the reliability of the mechanisms of water self-purification; regulation of the processes; the response of the mechanisms of water self-purification towards the external influences (man-made impacts, pollution); and some conclusions relevant to the practice of environment protection. In support of the theory, the results are given of the author's experiments which demonstrated the ability of some pollutants (surfactants, detergents, and some others) to inhibit the water filtration activity of marine filter-feeders, namely, the bivalve mollusks Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilus edulis, and Crassostrea gigas. ISSN 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online). Distributed by Springer, DOI: 10.1023/B:DOBS.0000033278.12858.12;;;

Keywords: environmental, hazards, man-made impacts, anthropogenic, effects, pollutants, xenobiotics, aquatic, ecosystems, water purification, water, quality, filtration, bivalves, surfactants, detergents, biosphere, SDS, sodium dodecylsulfate; TX100, Triton X-100; TDTMA, tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide; functioning, mollusks, Unio, tumidus, U. pictorum, Mytilus, galloprovincialis, edulis, Crassostrea gigas, ecological, hazard, sublethal, concentrations, synthetic, self-purification, bioassay, innovation, theory, new, conceptualization;

15354827 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 14595906
Effect of a cationic amphiphilic compound on rotifers.
Ostroumov SA, Walz N, Rusche R.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2003 May-Jun;390:252-255. 
Key words: Brachionus calyciflorus, cationic surfactant, ecotoxicology, feeding rate,

Ostroumov S. A., Walz N., Rusche R. Effect of a cationic amphiphilic compound on rotifers. - Doklady Biological Sciences. 2003. Vol. 390. p.252-255, Full text online free:;; [ISSN 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online)]. Welfare of the biosphere depends on filter-feeders that contribute to making water clean and transparent. Important new facts on the hazard of man-made damage to the beneficial function of rotifers, which are the plankton filter-feeders, were discovered. In this paper, it is the first time that it was found that a chemical pollutant inhibits filtration activity of rotifers. As a chemical pollutant, a representative of synthetic surfactants was studied. The study featured an advanced technique that allows precise measurement of the filtration rate on the basis of measuring the rate of removal of algal cells from water by rotifers. The experiment was run in the following system: the two-species culture of rotifers (Brachionus calyciflorus) and algae (Nannochloropsis limnetica; Eustigmatophyceae) was studied in a two-stage turbidostat (temperature 20 °C) as described by Walz et al. (1997) with some modifications. Dilution rate (the higher the filtration activity of rotifers, the higher the dilution rate) was monitored in the turbidostat. As a model of a chemical pollutant, the cationic surfactant tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (TDTMA) was added to the water of the turbidostat. On the basis of previous studies (Ostroumov, 2000), the concentration of TDTMA was 0.5 mg/L. Dynamics of the dilution rate before and after addition of the chemical was monitored. The dilution rate decreased after the addition of TDTMA. Also, a comparison of the dilution rate in the experimental turbidostat (with the surfactant) with the control turbidostat (without the chemical) was made. Under conditions of the addition of TDTMA the dilution rate was lower than in the control turbidostat. The lower dilution rate means a lower filtration and grazing activity of the population of the rotifers. The results are in accord with the hypothesis that the cationic surfactant TDTMA can inhibit the filtering activity of populations of rotifers. The results support the conclusions of previous publications, in which analogous effects of surfactants on another major group of filter-feeders (the bottom-dwelling bivalve mollusks) were discovered (Doklady of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2001, 380, pp. 847-849; 2002, vol. 382, pp.138-141).; DOI10.1023/A:1024417903077; Key words: effects, cationic amphiphilic substance, rotifers, two-species culture, rotifers Brachionus calyciflorus, algae Nannochloropsis limnetica, turbidostat, filtration activity, cationic surfactant tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide TDTMA, grazing activity, filtering activity of populations, filter-feeders, chemical pollution, effects of pollutants, sublethal concentration, trophic interactions, man-made effects, anthropogenic,
Ostroumov S.A., N. Walz, R. Rusche. Effect of a Cationic Amphiphilic Compound on Rotifers.-Doklady Biological Sciences, 2003, v.390, No.1-6; p.252-255;;
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PMID:12940156 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 12918433
The synecological approach to the problem of eutrophication.
Ostroumov SA.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2001 Nov-Dec;381:559-562.

The Synecological Approach to the Problem of Eutrophication. S. A. Ostroumov.- Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 381, 2001, pp. 559–562. 
Key words: solution to eutrophication, control, water quality, toxicology, aquatic, ecosystem, ecology, freshwater, marine,

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The Synecological Approach to the Problem of Eutrophication. - Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 381, 2001, p. 559–562. 3 Tables. Bibliogr. 15 refs. (Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2001, Vol. 381, No. 5, pp. 709–712). ISSN 0012-4966.; Distributed by Springer, [Abstract:
NEW IDEAS: the author suggests a new component of the measures against eutrophication: reducing the input of the pollutants that weaken the potential of the filter-feeders for removing algae. A new approach to combat eutrophication.
Also, the paper contains some NEW FACTS. Among new facts: the liquid detergent Fairy 2 mg/L inhibited filtration by the bivalve filter-feeders Mytilus galloprovincialis within 2-23 min after addition]. DOI 10.1023/A:1013378505630.;;
PMID: 12918433 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 12918416

The hazard of a two-level synergism of synecological summation of anthropogenic effects.
Ostroumov SA.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2001 Sep-Oct;380:499-501.
abstract available:
The hazard of a two-level synergism of synecological summation of anthropogenic effects. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, Volume 380, Numbers 1-6, p. 499-501. The author identified a new type of ecological hazard of anthropogenic impact (using chemical pollution as an example), which he proposed to term “synecological summation” or “synergistic summation” of anthropogenic effects on organisms of two adjacent trophic levels. ** NEW FACTS: in the study reported in the paper, the following new type of environmental hazards was found. It was shown that even some relatively mild influences on organisms of two adjacent trophic levels may eventually produce a synergistic, pronounced and definitely undesirable effect which will lead to an abnormal increase in the abundance of organisms of one of the trophic levels. The concrete examples of that type of synergism were found when anthropogenic impacts affected the organisms of two adjacent trophic levels (bivalves and algae). Some new bioeffects of the action of the synthetic detergent Vesna (1 mg/l) on the bivalves, oysters Crassostrea gigas were described. Also, some new effects of the detergent IXI (10 mg/l) on the mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, were found; also, new effects of the detergent Tide-Lemon (50 mg/l) on M. galloprovincialis were discovered. ** CONCLUSION: The hazard of simultaneous influence of contamination of environment (e.g., by detergents) on organisms of the two trophic levels may occur when the polluting chemicals produce effects on algae and bivalves that are filter-feeders. It means that a new type of environmental hazards was discovered. [MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, distributed by Springer Science+Business Media LLC.; ISSN 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online)] DOI 10.1023/A:1012348127085;

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PMID: 12918416 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 12918414

Responses of Unio tumidus to mixed chemical preparations and the hazard of synecological summation of anthropogenic effects.
Ostroumov SA.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2001 Sep-Oct;380:492-495. abstract available.
PMID: 12918414
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 12918380
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Full text available free:;; Abstract: Responses of the freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus to mixed chemical preparations and the hazard of synecological summation of anthropogenic effects. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, Volume 380, Numbers 1-6, p. 492-495. ISSN 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online). The author introduced a new concept and term, “the synecological summation of the effects of anthropogenic factors on organisms”. In the new author’s experiments, the effects of commercial detergents, which are chemical mixtures, on bivalves (a laundry detergent, freshwater mussels Unio tumidus) were studied. These detergents inhibited water filtration by the bivalve mollusks Unio tumidus. Detergents exert two types of hazardous effects on organisms and ecosystems: the phosphorus-induced stimulation of phytoplankton growth and surfactant-induced inhibition of filter-feeders. Because filter-feeders are an effective natural factor of control of unicellular plankton populations, the two types of the detergent-induced effects on ecosystem facilitate the growth of phytoplankton populations. Therefore, these effects sum together, thereby increasing the hazard of the man-made impact on the ecosystem. The results contribute to a better understanding of the potential ecological danger of pollutants for integral functions of ecosystems. It is the synecological summation of the effects of anthropogenic factors on plankton populations and filter-feeders that is of particular concern. The interaction between populations of plankton organisms and filter-feeders that feed on plankton should be taken into consideration in the studies on the ecological effects of synthetic detergents on these populations. Situations of man-made impact should be analyzed with using the synecological approach to the problem.;;

Pellets of some mollusks in the biogeochemical flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al.
Ostroumov SA, Kolesnikov MP.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2001 Jul-Aug;379:378-381. abstract available.
PMID: 12918380 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 12918370
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Pellets of some mollusks in the biogeochemical flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001. Vol. 379, P. 378-381. Bibliogr. 12. (Translated from: DAN 2001. Vol. 379. No. 3. P. 426-429). ISSN 0012-4966. Distributed by Springer, [In collaboration: S.A.O., Kolesnikov M.P.] New data on coupling of geochemical and ecological (hydrobiological) processes. The role of freshwater mollusks (pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis ) in the flows of chemical elements in the biosphere was studied by detecting the elemental composition and amount of pellets produced by the mollusks. For the first time, the following was quantitatively studied: the elemental composition (C, N, P, Si, Al) of pellets formed by mollusks Lymnaea stagnalis feeding on the leaves of higher plants Nuphar lutea and Taraxacum officinale; the amount (wet weight, dry weight) of pellets formed by L. stagnalis feeding on the leaves of N. lutea and T. officinale; the transfer of matter and chemical elements (C, N, P, Si, Al) with pellets of freshwater bivalves (unionids Unio sp., etc.) per unit biomass of mollusks and per unit area of the ecosystem of the river; the transfer of matter and chemical elements (C, N, P, Si, Al) with pellets of L. stagnalis per unit biomass of mollusks and per unit area of the ecosystem of the pond. Synthetic surfactants ТDТМА 2 mg/l, SDS 1-2 mg/l, detergent (exemplified by Tide-Lemon) 75 mg/l inhibited the trophic activity of L. stagnalis. Percents of food assimilability of taxons of invertebrates, from Rotatoria (48-80) to Diptera (1-31)].
DOI 10.1023/A:1011620817764.
KEY WORDS: Pellets, mollusks, biogeochemical flows, C, N, P, Si, Al, geochemical, ecological, hydrobiological, processes, freshwater, Lymnaea stagnalis, elemental composition, amount, feeding, leaves, higher plants, Nuphar lutea,Taraxacum officinale, hazards chemical pollution,
transfer, matter, chemical elements, C, N, P, Si, Al, pellets, freshwater, bivalves, unionids, Unio, biomass, river; ecosystem, pond, synthetic surfactant, tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide, ТDТМА, sodium dodecylsulphate, SDS, detergent, Tide-Lemon, inhibition, trophic activity, biosphere, hydrosphere, environmental safety, water quality, food assimilability, invertebrates, Rotatoria, Bryozoa, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Cladocera, Copepoda, Mysidacea, Isopoda, Amphipoda, Decapoda, larvae, Odonata, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera, biogeochemistry, ecosystem services, environmental chemistry, exotoxicology, aquatic toxicology, carbon sink, trophic chain, phytomass, phytophage, anthropogenic hazards, man-made impact, mollusc;

Imbalance of factors providing control of unicellular plankton populations exposed to anthropogenic impact.
Ostroumov SA.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2001 Jul-Aug;379:341-343. abstract available.
PMID: 12918370 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 12918342
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Ostroumov S.A. Imbalance of factors providing control of unicellular plankton populations exposed to anthropogenic impact. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001. Vol. 379, P. 341-343. 4 tables. Bibliogr.12 refs. (Translated from DAN 2001. Vol. 379. P.136-138). ISSN 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online). PMID: 12918370 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]. The paper presents and analyzes new experimental data on the effects of chemical pollution of aquatic medium on the abundance of unicellular plankton organisms. The following 6 types of effects of filter-feeders and chemical pollutants [surfactants and detergents (mixtures)] on phytoplankton organisms were found (examples were given in this paper in Tab.2): (1) Inhibition of growth (and abundance); (2) Growth stimulation in the presence of surfactants and detergents; (3) Decrease in abundance as a result of elimination of plankton cells from water by the freshwater mollusks Unio tumidus and rotifers; (4) Abundance decrease as a result of water filtration by the marine mollusks Mytilus edulis, M. galloprovincialis, and Crassostrea gigas; (5) Decrease in the efficiency of cell elimination from water caused by the TX-100-induced (5 mg/l) inhibition of the filtration activity of the freshwater mollusks U. tumidus; (6) Decrease in the efficiency of cell elimination from water as a result of inhibition of the filtration activity of the marine mollusks Mytilus galloprovincialis and Crassostrea gigas induced by surfactants and Avon Herbal Care (hair shampoo). A new parameter and formula is suggested: the efficiency of cell elimination from water, ECE. The following maximum values of ECE were found (at the concentrations of the chemical, mg/l, in brackets): (1) Detergent OMO, Unio tumidus, 186.7 (50); (2) Detergent Losk-Universal, Mytilus galloprovincialis, 551.7 (7); (3) Detergent Tide-Lemon, Mytilus galloprovincialis, 206.9 (50); (4) Detergent IXI, M. galloprovincialis, 157.8 (10); (5) Detergent Deni-Automat, Crassostrea gigas, 10 800.0 (30); (6) Detergent Lanza, Crassostrea gigas, 261.7 (20); (7) Detergent Vesna-Delikat, Crassostrea gigas, 200.0 (1); The tables in the paper: Factors of regulation of unicellular plankton abundance (Tab.1); effects of surfactants and detergents on phytoplankton abundance (Tab.2); 7 detergents inhibit filtration of 3 species of marine and freshwater molluscs (Tab.3); Mytilus galloprovincialis eliminates from water the cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and algae Pavlova lutheri = M. lutheri as a result of filtration (comparing the 2 processes at the same time, Tab. 4). The results obtained in this work demonstrated and proved that certain pollutants might cause a substantial imbalance of the factors controlling unicellular plankton populations. Direct and indirect (mediated by organisms-consumers) effects of certain surfactant-containing mixtures on unicellular plankton could sum with each other, giving rise to mutual amplification. This may cause a complete imbalance of the system. The conclusions made in this work may be applied to unicellular plankton of both marine and freshwater ecosystems, including ecosystems subjected to eutrophication. The results contribute to issues of environmental safety and resource use sustainability. DOI 10.1023/A:1011600213221;
Key words:
Imbalance, factors, control, unicellular, plankton, populations, anthropogenic, impact, efficiency, cell elimination, water, regulation, phytoplankton, abundance, effects , surfactants, detergents,filtration , marine, freshwater, filter-feeders, Mytilus galloprovincialis
Effect of amphiphilic chemicals on filter-feeding marine organisms.
Ostroumov SA.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2001 May-Jun;378:248-250. abstract available.
PMID:12918342 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 12852181
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ABSTRACT: Effects of amphiphilic chemicals on filter-feeding marine organisms. S.A.Ostroumov

For the first time, oysters were used as the test-organisms in bioassay of synthetic surfactants. As surfactants are one of key components of water pollution from municipal waste waters, from ports and ships, the new data revealed a novel type of hazard to mariculture of oysters. New negative effects of several amphiphilic chemicals (surfactants) and chemical mixtures on oysters and other marine bivalves were discovered. An anionic surfactant, sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS), and a cationic surfactant, tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (TDTMA) inhibited water filtering activity of oysters (Crassostrea gigas). Similar effects were exhibited by some chemical mixture products (detergents) that included surfactants as components of the mixtures. Those mixture products inhibited filtering activity by Crassostrea gigas and Mytilus galloprovincialis. The mixture products tested were: the SD1(L), Lanza-automat (Benckiser); SD2(I), IXI Bio-Plus (Cussons); LD1 (E), dish washing liquid E (Cussons International, Ltd.); and LD2 (F), dish washing liquid Fairy (Procter & Gamble, Ltd.). The new results are in agreement with the author’s previous experiments, where a number of xenobiotics and/or pollutants inhibited the filtering activity of several species of marine and freshwater bivalves. The filtering activity contributes to improving water quality. This experimental approach is helpful in assessment of environmental hazard from man-made chemicals that contaminate marine ecosystems.
KEY WORDS: mariculture, oysters, Crassostrea gigas,surfactants, detergents, filtering activity,Mytilus galloprovincialis, xenobiotics, pollutants, bivalves, assessment, environmental, hazards, marine ecosystems

Anthropogenic effects on the biota: towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards.
Ostroumov SA.
Riv Biol. 2003 Jan-Apr;96(1):159-169. Review , opinion paper, with new ideas.
PMID: 12852181
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Key-words: environmental, hazards, man-made, impacts, anthropogenic, effects, pollutants, xenobiotics, biofiltering, water self-purification, aquatic ecosystems, criteria, system, level, block, approach, analysis, ecological, hazards, biota, TX100, Mytilus, edulis, mussels, filtration, non-ionic, surfactant, bivalves,

The currently accepted system of criteria for evaluating environmental and ecological hazards of man-made chemicals (pollutants) is vulnerable to criticism. In this paper, a new concept of the system of approaches towards criteria for evaluating the ecological hazard from man-made impact is proposed. It is suggested to assess the man-made impacts (including effects of pollutants and xenobiotics) on the biota according to the following four levels of disturbance in biological and ecological systems: (1) the level of individual responses; (2) the level of aggregated responses of groups of organisms; (3) the level of stability and integrity of the ecosystem; (4) the level of contributions of the ecosystem to biospheric processes. On the basis of the author's experimental studies, an example is given of how to apply the proposed approach and the system of criteria to the analysis of concrete experimental data. To exemplify the efficiency of the proposed approach, it is shown how to use it to analyze new data on effects of a synthetic surfactant on water filtering by bivalves. It is concluded that the proposed approach will be helpful in better assessing environmental and ecological hazards from anthropogenic effects on biota, including effects of man-made chemicals polluting ecosystems.

Identification of a new type of ecological hazard of chemicals: inhibition of processes of ecological remediation.
Ostroumov SA.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2002 Jul-Aug;385:377-9. abstract available.
PMID: 12469618 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 12053567
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Ostroumov S. A. Identification of a New Type of Ecological Hazard of Chemicals: Inhibition of Processes of Ecological Remediation . - Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 385, 2002, pp. 377–379. Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Vol. 385, No. 4, 2002, pp. 571–573. The author discovered and characterized a new type of ecological hazard of chemical pollution of water, which involves inhibition of important processes of ecological remediation of ecosystems (water filtration by aquatic bivalves). Experiments were performed using mollusks (oysters), Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, and a cell suspension of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The cell suspension was a model of suspended matter in aquatic ecosystem. Laundry detergent Lanza-Automat inhibited water filtration by oysters (Crassostrea gigas). As a result, the removal of the cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) from water was inhibited. This demonstrated a new type of ecological hazard caused by water pollution with chemical pollutants at sublethal concentrations. This hazard is associated with the fact that chemical pollution of water causes inhibition of the physiological activity of filter-feeders, thereby inhibiting the important ecological processes of water filtration. These ecological processes contribute significantly to improving water quality, water purification and the related remediation of aquatic ecosystems (their ecological repair). ---; [] also see:

-Key words: discovery, new ecological hazard, chemical pollution, water, inhibition, ecological remediation, ecosystems, water filtration, aquatic, marine, bivalves, mollusks, oysters, Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, suspended matter, laundry detergent Lanza-Automat, removal of the cells, pollutants, sublethal concentrations, filter-feeders, improving water quality, self-purification, remediation, ecological repair; mariculture, the Black Sea, Mytilus edulis, Dreissena polymorpha, Unio tumidus, M. galloprovincialis, Ephemeroptera, Brachionus calyciflorus, Cladocera, Potassium bichromate, Triton X-100, detergent OMO, Pesticides, cationic surfactant TDTMA, fungicide Carbendazim, kaolin particles, Isochrystis galbana, tetradecylcetyltrimethylammonium bromide, SDS, sodium dodecylsulfate, detergent IXI Bio-Plus (Cussons), dish washing liquid E, dish washing liquid Fairy, shampoo Avon Hair Care, bioassay, biotest, ecotoxicology, benthos.

System of principles for conservation of the biogeocenotic function and the biodiversity of filter-feeders.
Ostroumov SA.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2002 Mar-Apr;383:147-50. abstract available. Full text free, available.
PMID: 12053567 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 12053565

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DOI: 10.1023/A:1015398125876;Indexed by PubMed: Indexed by Springer:; full text free:;; about the journal DBS:

An innovative list of principles to apply in management of nature conservation actions at protected areas: national parks, nature reserves, areas that are next to lakes, reservoirs and rivers which are sources of water for water supply. New useful principles to make more efficient environmental conservation and protection of aquatic resources, ecosystems, and biodiversity.

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Ostroumov S.A. Dokl Biol Sci. 2002; 383: 147-150. PMID: 12053567 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] ** Full text online free:;; System of principles for conservation of the biogeocenotic function and the biodiversity of filter-feeders.- Doklady Biological Sciences. 2002 (March). Vol. 383: 147-150. Bibliogr. 15 refs. ISSN 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online). Distributed by Springer, **


As a result of the author’s studies of filter-feeders (DAN, 1998, Vol. 362, P. 574-576; DAN, 2001, Vol. 378, P. 283-285), it is clear that the filtering activity of populations of filter-feeders in natural habitats might be significantly reduced if the concentrations of some pollutants reach certain levels. The role of filter-feeders as factors of water purification in ecosystems is so important that their inhibition is a danger for the entire ecosystem. The author emphasizes that not only the biodiversity of filter-feeders but also their level of functional (filtration) activity is to be protected. In order to do so, the author suggested establishing a new type of protected areas whose main purpose is to protect functionally active populations of filter-feeders, including bivalves and other organisms. Those protected areas could be named hydrobiological (some variants: biofiltering, or malacological) reserves (some variants: refuges, sanctuaries, etc.). The author formulated 5 principles of nature conservation requirements in malacological and hydrobiological reserves (Tabl. 3). Among them is principle 2, "conservation of filtration activity of organisms and populations". The paper contains data on how 5 detergents (1-50 mg/L) inhibited the filtration activity of Unio tumidus, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Crassostrea gigas (Tabl. 2); on effects on the efficiency of elimination (EEE) of suspended matter from water were measured (Tabl. 2); on the number of days (0.3 – 10) needed to filter the volume of aquatic (freshwater and marine) ecosystem by the local bivalves (a review of data from literature) (Tabl. 1). "I suggest that the existing system of protected terrestrial and water areas should be supplemented with special sites intended to conserve populations of filter-feeders. In addition to biodiversity conservation, these populations should be conserved because they fulfill a very important biogeocenotic function of water filtration and purification" (p.149). "The system of five principles…is proposed to provide an ecological basis of the environment conservation conditions at these sites (malacological and hydrobiological reserves)" (p.149).]. DOI 10.1023/A:1015398125876;;

New definitions of the concepts and terms ecosystem and biogeocenosis.
Ostroumov SA.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2002 Mar-Apr;383:141-143. abstract, full text free available.
PMID: 12053565 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 12053562
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Ostroumov S.A. New definitions of the concepts and terms ecosystem and biogeocenosis. - Doklady Biological Sciences 2002, Volume 383, Numbers 1-6, p. 141-143. 2 tables. Bibliogr. 15 refs. [MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC. ISSN 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online)]
In 1935, the term 'ecosystem' was coined by A. Tansley. In the 1940s, another important term 'biogeocoenosis' was introduced by V. N. Sukachev. Since that time, a significant amount of new facts was accumulated in ecology. It is necessary to revisit the formulation of the basic concepts and terms in ecology, including the two terms mentioned above. The author proposed some new variants of the definition of the two terms that (1) reflect the modern vision of the basics of ecology; and (2) avoid the vicious circle of using other terms that in turn request their definitions. The author realizes that the new variants of the terms cannot be ideal and some other variants of the definitions are also possible. 5 specific features of the proposed definition of ecosystem (Table 1). 8 specific features of the proposed definition of biogeocenosis, and 8 distinctions between the proposed definition and the classical definition by V.N.Sukachev (Table 2)].;; DOI 10.1023/A:1015393924967; the Russian version of the paper:; New definitions of the concepts and terms ecosystem and biogeocenosis. - Doklady Akademii Nauk 2002. 383 (4): 571-573. Doklady Biological Sciences. 2002. Vol. 383: 141-143. 2 tables. Bibliogr. 15 refs. ISSN 0012-4966. Distributed by Springer, [5 specific features of the proposed definition of ecosystem (Table 1). 8 specific features of the proposed definition of biogeocenosis, and 8 distinctions between the proposed definition and the classical definition by V.N.Sukachev (Table 2)].
** CITATION, citing in the U.S.A. See the web address:

A new type of effect of potentially hazardous substances: uncouplers of pelagial-benthal coupling.
Ostroumov SA.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2002 Mar-Apr;383:127-130. abstract, full text free available.
PMID: 12053562 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Ostroumov S.A. Dokl Biol Sci. 2002; 383: 127-130. PMID: 12053562 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]; Ostroumov S.A. A new type of effect of potentially hazardous substances: uncouplers of pelagial–benthal coupling. - Doklady Biological Sciences. 2002 (March). Vol. 383 (1-6): 127-130. Bibliogr.15. ISSN 0012-4966. Abstract. The paper presents a discovery of a new type of negative impact of pollutants on the biosphere, as a result of inhibition of water filtration by filter-feeders / suspension feeders. The water filtration and associated removal of suspended matter from water is part of migration of matter. As V.I. Vernadsky stressed, organisms are mediators of “biogenic migration of atoms in the biosphere”. This migration is partly implemented in the framework of pelagial–benthal coupling via the activity of filter-feeders, which remove the organic suspended matter from water and excrete pellets. The tables contains the following data: the average percentage of assimilated (16-90%) and non-assimilated (10-84%) food matter for 15 large taxa of invertebrates (Table 1); chromium (potassium bichromate) inhibited water filtration by mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis (Table 2); surfactants, detergents, pesticides inhibited filtration by filter-feeders, marine and freshwater bivalves and rotifers (Table 3). A prediction was made: "Further research and experimental studies are expected to provide new evidence that sublethal concentrations of chemical pollutants induce a significant decrease in the filtration capacity of freshwater and marine filter feeders" (p.129). "The uncoupling process considered above is an anthropogenic violation of two basic laws (empirical rules or biogeochemical principles) of the biosphere functioning: (1) biogenic migration of atoms of chemical elements in the biosphere always tends toward its maximum expression; (2) on the geological time scale, the evolution of species gives rise to the forms of life that are stable in the biosphere, and is so directed that the biogenic migration of atoms in the biosphere increases" (p.129).];

DOI10.1023/A:1015385723150;;; Full text see online free:;Tags: chromium, Cr, biological effect, water filtration, marine mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, marine ecology, aquaculture, aqua-farming, pollution, heavy metals, environmental hazards,
Some comments on the paper:

Biodiversity protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems.
Ostroumov SA.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2002 Jan-Feb;382:18-21. abstract, full text of the paper free, available.
PMID: 11998748 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 11236572
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Ostroumov S. A. Biodiversity protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems. - Doklady Biological Sciences. 2002 (January). Volume 382, Numbers 1- 6, p. 18-21. The article presents a new vision of how biodiversity helps towards better stability and water quality. The author made an innovative analysis of his experimental data and formulated the following suggestion: to maintain water quality, it is vital to protect the functionally active biodiversity of water ecosystems. In other words, according to his vision, the protection of functionally active biodiversity, including filter-feeders, is a key to maintenance of water quality. Among new facts: the detergent IXI 20 mg/L inhibited water filtration by marine mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis (3-25 min, 18 pro mille, 22.8ºC); the detergent Deni-Automat 30 mg/L also inhibited the water filtration by oysters Crassostrea gigas Thunberg (2-40 min, 25.2ºC).].
DOI 10.1023/A:1014465220673.;
MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC. ISSN0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online).;

Issues that were considered, key words:
xenobiotics, water_resources, water_quality, water_filtration, synthetic_substances, suspension_feeders, regulation, pollution, pollutants, plankton_populations, phytoplankton_control, pellets, new_hazards, mussels, marine, management, man-made_impact, man-made_effects, invertebrates, innovations, improving_water_quality, hydrosphere, hazards, freshwater, filter-feeders, environmetal_safety, environmental_toxicology, environmental_chemistry, environment_protection, ecotoxicology, ecosystem_services, ecosystems, ecosystem, ecological_stability, ecological_hazard, ecohazards, detergents, chemical_preparations, chemical_pollution, bivalvia, bivalves, biosphere, biogeochemical, biogenic_migration, bioassays, benthos, assessment, aquatic_organisms, aquatic_ecosystems, aquatic_biota, anthropogenic_impact, anthropogenic_effects, algae, the detergent IXI, water filtration, mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, detergent Deni-Automat, oysters Crassostrea gigas

[An amphiphilic substance inhibits the mollusk capacity to fliter phytoplankton cells from water].
Ostroumov SA.
Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol. 2001 Jan-Feb;(1):108-116. Russian.
PMID: 11236572 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Select item 11103331
English version of the paper, published in English, full text available online free:
Biology Bulletin.
Russian version of the paper:

Амфифильное вещество подавляет способность моллюсков фильтровать воду и удалять из нее клетки фитопланктона // Известия РАН. Сер. Биол. 2001. № 1. С.108-116.
Translation into English:
Пер. на англ. яз.:An amphiphilic substance inhibits the mollusk capacity to filter out phytoplankton cells from water. - Biology Bulletin, 2001, Volume 28, Number 1, p. 95-102.;;

Abstract of the English version:
Ostroumov S. A. An Amphiphilic Substance Inhibits the Mollusk Capacity to Filter out Phytoplankton Cells from Water. - Biology Bulletin, v.28, No.1; pp.95-102.;;
It is the first paper in which a discovery of a new type of environmental hazards from chemical pollutants was made: namely, the hazards of a decrease in vital function of healthy aquatic ecosystems which maintain the proper level of cleanliness (purity) of water, and improve water quality It is the first paper in which it was clearly proved that the synthetic chemical, when it pollutes water, produces dangerous effects on both marine mussels and phytoplankton: it decreases water filtration rate by the mussels, and the normal control of abundance of phytoplankton by the marine mussels, the control which is associated with the filtration of water. ** The effect of synthetic anionic surface active substance (SAS) sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS, 4 mg/l) on the kinetics of water filtration by mussel Mytilus edulis was studied. A suspension of algae Isochrysis galbana was added to the vessel with the mussels, and their filtration activity was measured by counting the concentration of the algae cells in the experimental vessels. Algae concentration was measured every 30 min for an hour and a half. The inhibiting effect on the mollusk filtration rate (FR) was qualitatively described. After the first 30 min filtration at 4 mg/l initial SDS concentration, the cell density was 322% of the control. The inhibiting effect was observed later as well. Due to FR inhibition in the vessels with the above specified initial SDS concentration, the algae cell density was 6.4 and 14.7 times that of the control after 1 and 1.5 h, respectively. Thus, SAS SDS can decrease the natural capacity of aquatic ecosystems for self-purification and disturb other aspects of ecosystem functioning through inhibiting the filtration activity of mussels. The obtained data are discussed in the context of environment and hydrosphere protection from pollution. ** The effect of synthetic anionic surface active substance (SAS) sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS, 4 mg/l) on the kinetics of water filtration by mussel Mytilus edulis was studied. A suspension of algae Isochrysis galbana was added to the vessel with the mussels, and their filtration activity was measured by counting the concentration of the algae cells in the experimental vessels. Algae concentration was measured every 30 min for an hour and a half. The inhibiting effect on the mollusk filtration rate (FR) was qualitatively described. After the first 30 min filtration at 4 mg/l initial SDS concentration, the cell density was 322% of the control. The inhibiting effect was observed later as well. Due to FR inhibition in the vessels with the above specified initial SDS concentration, the algae cell density was 6.4 and 14.7 times that of the control after 1 and 1.5 h, respectively. Thus, SAS SDS can decrease the natural capacity of aquatic ecosystems for self-purification and disturb other aspects of ecosystem functioning through inhibiting the filtration activity of mussels. The obtained data are discussed in the context of environment and hydrosphere protection from pollution. Some key words: 水,生态系统,生态, 水产类,双壳类,生态环境,生态,环境安全,环境毒理学,滤食性,淡水,卫生,水生生物,水,海水,净化水质,自净,悬浮馈线,水,水的可持续性; Wasserpflanzen, Muscheln, Ökologie, Ökosystem, ökologische Sicherheit, Umwelt-Toxikologie, Filtrierer, Süßwasser-, Gesundheits-, Hydrobiologie, Hydrosphäre, Meerwasser, Reinigung, Wasserqualität, Selbstreinigung, Aussetzung-Zubringer, Wasser, Wasser Nachhaltigkeit; aquatique, les bivalves, l'écologie, écosystème, durabilité de l'eau de la sécurité de l'environnement, la toxicologie environnementale, filtreurs, d'eau douce, la santé, l'hydrobiologie, l'hydrosphère, l'eau de mer, la purification, la qualité de l'eau, l'auto-épuration, de suspension des départs, de l'eau,

An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function.
Ostroumov SA.
Dokl Biol Sci. 2000 Sep-Oct;374:514-6. No abstract available.
PMID: 11103331 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Related citations
Full text free:

Ostroumov S. A. An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2000. Vol. 374, P. 514-516. [in English]

Russian version of this paper:
С.А.Остроумов. Водная экосистема: крупноразмерный диверсифицированный биореактор с функцией самоочищения воды // ДАН 2000. Т.374. №3. с.427-429;

Full text online free (in English):;;

Full text online free (in Russian):
**Abstract and comments:

The first publication that considered an aquatic ecosystem as an analog of a bioreactor, with some specific features that were described in the paper.
This paper gave a revolutionary new insight into the main functions and identity of ecosystem as a bioreactor to maintain water quality.
Paradigm shift (in other words, a big change in conceptual framework in that area of science) made by this paper:
The conceptual framework Before this paper:
The primary function of ecosystems was thought to be: primary productivity;
The conceptual framework After publishing this paper:
It became clear that the primary function of ecosystems is not only primary productivity but also conditioning of their environment; in the case of aquatic ecosystems it is conditioning of aquatic environment, i.e. water self-purification.
Why it is important:
It is a contribution to scientific basis of water safety, water sustainability.
What happened afterwards, the further development in publications:
After publishing this article, the same author published a series of other papers with new data. The new papers confirmed the ideas and conclusions of this article. The references for the entire series of papers (plus a book, ‘Biological effects of surfactants’) are here:

EXAMPLE 1. A new conceptualization of aquatic ecosystem was suggested in 2000, with an emphasis on the capability of an ecosystem (both freshwater and marine ecosystem) to purify water ( Ostroumov, 2000).
EXAMPLE 2. In 2000, a new concept was proposed which considered an aquatic ecosystem (both freshwater and marine ecosystem) as a bioreactor with the function of improving water quality (Ostroumov, 2000 ).
EXAMPLE 3. A contribution to theoretical discussion on what is ecosystem was made in 2000. In a paper focused on aquatic ecosystems ( Ostroumov, 2000 ), it was proposed to see aquatic ecosystem as a new type of bioreactor. The novelty of this type of bioreactor is in its structure and function. As for structure, it is a multi-species bioreactor. As for function, it is a bioreactor with a number of functions, one of them is improving water quality (water purification) (Ostroumov, 2000 ).

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Freising (1)
French (1)
frequently asked questions (1)
freshwater (29)
freshwater. (1)
full texts (1)
function (7)
fundamental (2)
fundamentals (1)
Funktion (1)
geochemical (1)
geosciences (2)
German (3)
German libraries (1)
German national library (1)
Germany (48)
Germany. United Kingdom (1)
Geukensia demissa (2)
Gewässerökologie (1)
Ghent (2)
Ghent University (2)
Giessen (3)
gold (3)
Grazing efficiency (1)
Groningen (2)
group (1)
groups (1)
growth (2)
Hamburg (2)
Hannover (1)
Harvard (8)
Harvard Princeton (1)
hazard (6)
hazard assessment (1)
Hazardous (1)
hazards (13)
health (1)
heavy metals (1)
Helmholtz (1)
Hf (1)
higher plants (3)
Hong Kong (12)
Hong Kong. Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification (1)
Hong-Kong (1)
honors (1)
Hydrobiologia (2)
hydrobiology (3)
identification (1)
images (1)
Immanuel Kant (1)
Immobilization (1)
Impact Assessment (1)
important (3)
improve (2)
improved (2)
improvement (2)
improving (3)
In libraries (1)
increase (2)
independent evaluation (1)
indexed (3)
India (2)
Indonesia (2)
Ingolstadt (1)
inhibition (6)
Inhibitory analysis (1)
innovation (1)
Innovationen (1)
innovations clés (1)
innovative (2)
Innovative publications on environmental (1)
innovativen Ansatz (2)
institutions (1)
International (1)
International Water Association (1)
Internet (5)
invertebrates (6)
Ireland; (1)
Isolation (1)
Israel (6)
Italy (5)
Ithaca (1)
Japan (10)
Jena (1)
July (2)
June (1)
June 1 (1)
K U Leuven (4)
Karachi (1)
Kempten (1)
Keune H. (1)
key words (1)
Konzepte (1)
Korea (1)
Kuwait (2)
l'eau (1)
l'environnement (1)
l'écologie (1)
La (1)
la biogéochimie (1)
la toxicologie (1)
Landshut (1)
large-scale diversified bioreactor (1)
Large-Scale Diversified Bioreactor with a Water Self-Purification (1)
Latin America (1)
le fonctionnement des écosystèmes (1)
lead (1)
leading (1)
leeches (2)
Leiden (2)
Leipzig (1)
les mollusques (1)
les tensioactifs (1)
les écosystèmes (1)
León (1)
libraries: USA (1)
library (7)
library Availability (1)
libre de Bruxelles (1)
life (2)
life science (3)
life sciences (2)
liked (2)
Limnology (1)
link (1)
links (1)
Linnaeus (1)
Living (1)
London (3)
Long Island Sound (1)
Los Angeles (3)
los ecosistemas (1)
Lymnaea stagnalis (1)
M. edulis (1)
M.I.T. (1)
MA (3)
Maastricht (2)
macro (1)
macroinvertebrates (2)
Macrophyte (1)
macrophytes (1)
man-made impacts (1)
Management (4)
Marburg (2)
marine (30)
marine biology (1)
marine diatom (2)
marine diatoms (1)
marine ecology (3)
marine ecosystems (1)
Marine invertebrates (1)
marine mussels (1)
Marine Water (1)
marins (1)
Massachusetts (1)
matter (1)
May (2)
Meeres- (1)
Meist gesehen (1)
Merseburg (1)
metals (1)
method (2)
microorganisms (1)
Microzooplankton (1)
migration (1)
MIT (6)
modern (3)
modernization (3)
modernized (1)
mollusk (1)
mollusks (16)
Moscow (5)
Moscow State (1)
Moscow State University (3)
Moscow University (6)
most (1)
Most Recent (1)
Most viewed (17)
MSU (1)
Multi-continent (1)
multifunctional (1)
Muscheln (1)
mussel (1)
mussels (12)
Myriophyllum aquaticum (1)
Mytilus (1)
Mytilus edulis (2)
Mytilus galloprovincialis (2)
München (2)
N.America (1)
nano (3)
nanomaterials (3)
nanoparticles (4)
Nanosafety (1)
nanoscale (1)
nanoscience (4)
nanosize particles (1)
Nanotoxicology (1)
Natural Resources (1)
nature conservation (4)
Nd (1)
negative (2)
Netherlands (37)
Netherlands Institute of Ecology (1)
Neubiberg (1)
Neubrandenburg (1)
Neue (1)
Neue Trends (2)
new (10)
new concepts (1)
New definition (1)
New facts (2)
new ideas (2)
New York (4)
New Zealand (2)
NOAA (2)
non-alive (1)
non-ionogenic (6)
Norway (7)
notion (1)
nouvelles (1)
novelty (3)
novo (1)
NSW (1)
Nuclear Analytical Techniques (1)
Nucleic Acid (1)
nuevo (1)
nuovo (1)
NY (1)
ocean (5)
omissions (1)
online (25)
online free (4)
Opinion (2)
organisms (8)
ostroumov sa (1)
Oxford (6)
oysters (10)
pages (1)
Pakistan (2)
paper (1)
Papers (8)
Paradigm shift (1)
Paris (2)
Particle size (1)
particles (1)
Pasadena (1)
Pb (2)
pheromones (1)
Philippines (1)
photo (1)
phytoplankton (3)
phytoremediation (2)
phytotest (1)
phytotoxicity (3)
pictorum (1)
pictures (1)
plant science (2)
Plant Sciences (1)
plant seedlings (2)
plants (1)
plazo (1)
PLoS ONE (1)
Plouzané (1)
Poland (6)
policy (7)
pollutant (3)
Pollutants (4)
pollution (31)
pollution control (7)
pollytant (1)
polutants (1)
Polyfunctional (1)
Polyfunctional role of biodiversity (1)
Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes (1)
Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification (1)
Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in water purification (1)
polymeric (1)
popular (1)
Popular science (1)
Porifera (1)
Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (1)
posts (1)
prazo (1)
Prey selection (1)
Princeton (2)
priorities (2)
problem (1)
proceedings (1)
processes (2)
Professors (1)
protection (4)
public health (3)
public health and urbanization: examples from Belgium (1)
publication (3)
publications (30)
publications in environmental (1)
Publikationen (2)
PubMed (2)
pubmed omissions (1)
purification (11)
Qatar (1)
quality (16)
qualité de l'eau (2)
RAN (1)
rare earth (1)
rating (1)
recent (1)
Recommended (1)
refreshing (1)
Regensburg (1)
regulation (1)
relevant (3)
removing (1)
Rennes (1)
research (1)
reservoirs (1)
resource (1)
resources (8)
Results (3)
review (3)
Reviews (2)
Ribbed Mussels (2)
Riverside (1)
Rivista di Biologia (1)
Rochester (1)
role (3)
role of biodiversity (1)
roles (1)
Rotterdam (1)
Russia (5)
Russian (1)
Russian Academy of Sciences (1)
Russian Journal of Ecology (1)
s.a. ostroumov (1)
S.A.Ostroumov (1)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1)
Sacramento; California State University (1)
safety (17)
Salamanca (1)
San Diego (1)
Santa Barbara (1)
Santa Cruz (1)
Saudi Arabia (3)
Sb (1)
Scenedesmus quadricauda (1)
Schmutzstoffe (1)
science (48)
sciences de l'environnement (1)
Science–policy challenges for biodiversity (1)
science–policy interface (1)
scientific (2)
scientifico (1)
Scribd (1)
SDS (1)
Se (1)
seafood (1)
seawater (6)
seedlings (2)
Selbst-Reinigung (2)
Selbstreinigung (2)
selected (3)
Selected. (1)
self-purification (46)
selfpurification (1)
sewage (2)
shellfish (7)
shortage (1)
Singapore (2)
site (1)
sites (3)
Sm (1)
solution (2)
solutions (1)
Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders (3)
South Africa (2)
Spain (16)
sponge (3)
Spongia officinalis (1)
Springer (3)
stability sustainability (1)
Stanford (2)
Stanislaus; Stanislaus State University; Turlock (1)
stimulation (3)
Stony Brook (1)
Stralsund (1)
sum of blog posts (1)
supply (3)
surface active agent (1)
surface active agents (1)
surface active substances (2)
surface-active agents (1)
surface-active substances (1)
surfactant (11)
surfactants (31)
suspension (3)
suspension feeders (5)
Suspension-feeders (1)
sustainability (17)
sustainable (1)
Sweden (16)
Swiss (1)
Switzerland (14)
Sydney (1)
synthetic (6)
synthetic surfactants (1)
systems (1)
Sécurité Ecologie (1)
Süßwasser- (1)
Technical University (1)
Technische Universiteit Delft (1)
Technische Universität (1)
technogenesis (1)
Tenside (1)
Tensiden (1)
tensides (1)
term (2)
termes (1)
termine (1)
terminology (4)
terms (2)
test (1)
testing (13)
texting (1)
Th (1)
Thailand (8)
Thalassiosira pseudonana (2)
theory (7)
top (2)
top universities (1)
top-down control (1)
toxic (1)
toxicant (1)
toxicity (11)
toxicity testing (1)
toxicology (23)
trace elements (1)
treatment (1)
Triton X-100 (1)
Tufts University (2)
Turkey (2)
U (1)
U. K. (3)
U. pictorum (1)
U.K. (20)
U.K. Cambridge (1)
U.S. (4)
U.S.A (1)
U.S.A. (23)
UFZ (2)
UK (20)
Ukraine (2)
Umwelt (1)
Umweltgefährdung (1)
Umweltschutz (2)
Umweltwissenschaften (4)
understanding (2)
Unio (1)
Unio tumidus (1)
United Kingdom (5)
United Nations (1)
United States (1)
Universite (1)
Universite catholique de Louvain (1)
Universite libre de Bruxelles (2)
universities (4)
university (12)
University College (1)
University of Amsterdam (1)
University of Antwerp (3)
University of Namur (2)
University of New South Wales (1)
University of Oxford (1)
Universität Basel (1)
Universität Oldenburg (1)
Universitätsbibliothek (1)
Université catholique de Louvain (1)
Université de Rennes I (1)
Université libre de Bruxelles (1)
up-to-date (1)
updated (1)
upgraded (1)
upgrading (3)
Uppsala (2)
Uppsala University (2)
uranium (1)
urbanization (6)
USA (42)
use (1)
Utrecht (1)
V.I.Vernadsky (3)
Valladolid (1)
Vechta (1)
Verbesserung (2)
Verfügbarkeit (1)
viewed recently (1)
vital (2)
viviparus (1)
Wageningen (2)
Waschmittel (2)
Wasser (2)
Wasser Sicherheit (1)
Wasser-Qualität (2)
Wasserpflanzen (2)
Wasserqualität (4)
water (106)
water ecology (2)
water ecosystems (1)
water filtering (3)
water filtration (4)
Water Pollution Control (1)
water pollution. (1)
water purification (4)
water purification: current conceptualizations (1)
water quality (88)
water quality improvement (2)
water resources (6)
water safety (22)
Water scarcity (1)
water science (6)
water self-purification (10)
water streams (4)
water stress (1)
water supply (1)
water sustainability (6)
Web of Science (11)
web pages (1)
web sites (1)
web-page (1)
web-pages (1)
web-sites (1)
what is new (1)
Who (1)
WHOI (1)
WorldCat (1)
Xenobiotic (1)
zebra mussels (2)
zink (1)
zitat (2)
Zn (3)
Zooplankton (1)
Zurich (1)
écosystéme (1)
Ökologie (5)
Ökosystem (1)
Ökosysteme (2)
Ökosystems (1)
Ökotoxikologie (2)
академик (2)
академия (1)
Алимов А.Ф. (1)
антропогенные (1)
антропогенные воздействия (1)
АЭС (1)
бактерии (1)
БАН (1)
безопасность (2)
Безумие (1)
библиография (2)
библиотека (6)
библиотеки (3)
биогенный (1)
биогеохимические (1)
биогеохимия (4)
биология (4)
биосфера (4)
биосферы (1)
Биотест (1)
биотестирование (1)
биохимическая (1)
В бибиотеках (1)
в грунтовых водах (1)
В.И. Вернадский (1)
В.И.Вернадский (2)
вещества (1)
вода (3)
водная (4)
водная среда (1)
водная экология (2)
водная экотоксикология (1)
водные (4)
водные ресурсы (1)
водные экосистемы (1)
водных (1)
водных ресурсов (1)
водоемы (3)
водоросли (1)
водотоки (2)
воды (5)
восстановление (1)
гидробиология (12)
гидробионты (4)
Гидробионты в самоочищении вод и биогенной миграции элементов (1)
гидроэкология (1)
глобальные (1)
дафнии (1)
детергент (1)
детергенты (2)
Диссертации (1)
додецилсульфат натрия (1)
достижения (1)
Евгеньевич (1)
Екатеринбург (1)
жидкое (1)
журнал (1)
загрязнение (9)
загрязнение воды (1)
загрязняющие (1)
загрязняющие вещества (1)
Захаров (1)
золото (1)
инновации (1)
Инновационные аспекты биогеохимии (1)
кадмий (1)
качества (1)
качество (4)
качество вод (1)
качество воды (7)
книги (3)
краткие аннотации. (1)
Ленинская (5)
Ленинская библиотека (1)
М. (1)
М.А.Федонкин (1)
макрофит (1)
макрофиты (1)
МАКС-Пресс (1)
МГУ (9)
миграция элементов (1)
микроэлементы (1)
моллюски (2)
мониторинг (1)
морские (1)
Москва (2)
моющее средство (1)
на русском языке (1)
нано (1)
наночастицы (2)
наука России (1)
науки об окружающей среде (4)
о Земле (1)
О полифункциональной роли биоты в самоочищении водных экосистем (1)
об окружающей среде (1)
окружающая среда (9)
онлайн (2)
опасность (2)
организмы (1)
охрана природы (8)
охрана среды (1)
оценка опасности (1)
очищение (4)
очищение воды (1)
ошибка (1)
ошибки (2)
ПАВ (9)
планктон (1)
поверхностно-активные вещества (1)
поверхностно-активных веществ (1)
поллютанты (1)
посуды (1)
пресноводные (1)
прогнозирование (1)
проростки (1)
прорыв (2)
публикации (1)
радиация (1)
радиоактивных элементов (1)
разрушение (1)
РАН (4)
растения (2)
РГБ (3)
Реформа (2)
реформирование (1)
Российская (3)
Российская академия наук (1)
Российская государственная (1)
Российская государственная библиотека (1)
российская наука (1)
Россия (2)
русский язык (3)
русском (1)
РФ (4)
С.А.Остроумов (1)
самоочищение (6)
самоочищение воды (2)
Санкт-Петербург (1)
синтетические (1)
содержания (1)
Сохранение (1)
сохранение биоразнообразия (2)
среда (1)
статьи (3)
стиральный порошок (1)
сточные воды (2)
сублетальные (1)
тексты статей (1)
тестирование (1)
техногенез (1)
технология (1)
токсикология среды (1)
токсичность (2)
торий (1)
уран (1)
физика (1)
фильтратор (1)
фильтрация (1)
фитотест (1)
фитотоксичность (1)
Фукусима (2)
химические (1)
химия (1)
циклы (1)
цитировали (1)
цитирование (5)
чистка воды (1)
экологическая (4)
экологическая безопасность (1)
экологическая опасность (1)
экология (27)
экосистем (1)
экосистема (2)
экосистемы (3)
Экотоксикология (5)
定义,新的,科学的,术语,名词,生态系统 (1)
定義、新しい、科学的、専門用語は、用語、生態系 (1)
定義,新的,科學的,術語,名詞,生態系統 (1)
环境 (1)
生态学 (1)

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40 publications on environmental science, ecology,...
Most viewed. 11.07.2013. Environmental science, ec...
made available online free: The Synecological App...
made available online free: The hazard of a two-le...
What is missed by PubMed. Better than PubMed. More...
Addendum to correct PubMed Omissions. Environmenta...
Environmental science 50 articles, selected. More ...
Environmental science, biology. List of materials,...
Environmental science. List of materials, part 3. ...
Blog posts in 2013, May. Environment. aquatic, AVA...
Цитирование работ МГУ. Цитировали сотрудники РАН: ...
Цитирование работ МГУ им. Ломоносова. Президент А...
Содержание цезия в грунтовой воде на АЭС «Фукусима...
Ecosystem services and water purification.
International Centre for Integrated Assessment and...
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS...
Biological Control and Spatial Ecology Lab, Univer...
Research Institute for Nature and Forest; 2 Belgia...
22 institutions cited this paper on water quality....
Série de 18 innovations clés, sciences de l'enviro...
Serie von 18 wichtigsten Innovationen, Umweltwisse...
Biological Filters... Popular science publication....
theory of water self-purification in aquatic ecosy...
Most Recent blog posts, environmental science, eco...
Series of 18 key innovations, environmental scienc...
Article18 on the list of 18 key innovations, envir...
Article 17 on the list of 18 key innovations, envi...
Article 16 on the list of 18 key innovations, envi...
Article 15 of the list of 18 key innovations, envi...
Article 14 of the list of 18 key innovations, envi...
Article 13 on the list of 18 key innovations, envi...
Article 12 on the list of 18 key innovations, envi...
Article 11 on the list of 18 key innovations, envi...
Article 10 on the list of 18 key innovations, envi...
Article 9 on the list of 18 key innovations, envir...
Article 8 of the list of 18 key innovations, envir...
Article 7 of the list of 18 key innovations, envir...
Article 6 on the list of 18 key innovations, envir...
Article 5 on the list of 18 key innovations, envir...
Article 4 on the list of the 18 key innovations, e...
Article 3 on the list of 18 key innovations, envir...
Article 2 on the list of 18 key innovations, envir...
Article 1 on the list of 18 key innovations, envir...
Available in libraries. Key publications. Environm...
Top important web-sites: environment, ecology, wat...
June 2013. 185 blog posts. Environment, Ecology. I...
Most recent blog posts. Environment, Ecology, Wate...
Most viewed during recent 24 h. Environmental Scie...
Улицы Екатеринбурга начали мыть специальным шампун...
Цитировали работы МГУ. Некоторые аспекты оценки би...
цитирование работ МГУ.Цитировали статью: Геохимиче...
Цитирование работы МГУ (выполнено в Московском гос...
Env. Sci. publications. Citation in: France,German...
Env.Science. Citation in: USA, Germany, U. K., Net...
Online: publications, blog posts, papers, bibliogr...
List of publications that cited S.A.Ostroumov (M.V...
Библиография трудов по водной экологии и смежным п...
Online: publications, blog posts, papers, bibliogr...
Useful publications (Format2), blog posts, papers,...
Most viewed. Environmental science. 5.7.2013.
Реформа РАН. Пресс-конференция. Москва 4.7.2013. ...
Most viewed. Environmental science, ecology, water...
Новые идеи, факты: экология, качество вод, самоочи...
Прорыв в понимании функционирования биосферы. Дост...
Achievements in discovering some new facts in the ...
Доклад 24 июля, 11.00, Институт геохимии РАН, Моск...
Recent relevant publications of Colleagues, enviro...
New ideas: water quality as a result of ecosystem ...
Hong Kong.Japan.Innovative publications on environ...
Netherlands,Denmark.Innovative publications on env...
French,German,Swiss cities.Innovative publications...
USA, UK, Canada.Innovative publications on environ...
Online, publications, full texts of articles on en...
Availability of series of publications (ecology, e...
June (185)
May (134)

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