Southern Africa, West Rand Municipal Workers Fight Wage Cuts By Mzee*

Workers in the Public Safety department of the West Rand District Municipality, Gauteng, 
are experiencing extremely stressful times. This is mainly due to management?s actions. 
There have been many cases of resignations and stress-related illnesses ? and some workers 
have been affected badly enough to commit suicide. ---- Management has continually turned 
a blind eye to the problems. It is a major employer, as the municipality is a large one, 
covering mining areas like Carletonville, Khutsong, Krudersdorp, Randfontein and 
Westdriefontein and rural areas like Magaliesberg and Muldersdrift. ---- The problems 
started in June 2013 when employees? salaries were unilaterally cut. The South African 
Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) and the Independent Municipal and Allied Trade Union 
(IMATU) demanded explanations. The municipality claimed workers were being paid incorrect 
amounts for working on Sundays and public holidays. In terms of labour law, workers must 
be paid at time-and-a-half for working Sundays and double-time for working public 
holidays. Management agreed, but claimed that the formula it used to calculate the extra 
pay was incorrect ? and so, was overpaying.

The ?error? was news to unions, which noted payment practices had not changed for almost 
20 years. Further, municipal bosses had never previously mentioned any such ?error? ? not 
even during the tense merger processes in which workers from different local 
municipalities were merged into the District Municipality.

Organised labour felt it unfair to unilaterally cut salaries: the error was on the part of 
management, but workers paid the price. The unions arranged a protected strike and a 
settlement with management was eventually reached through mediation. This included putting 
a new shift system in place by 1 April 2014, consultations between management and unions 
over implementation and ironing out how workers were going to be paid. Shift workers, who 
work a 12 hour shift, wanted the details consulted and in writing.

Since the settlement, municipal management has completely ignored the consultative process 
and unilaterally implemented a new shift system. This has meant cuts in employees? pay.

SAMWU and IMATU have tried on many occasions to talk to management regarding these issues. 
However, no solutions have been found as management continues to insist that they are 
right in what they have done.

Again, we have a stand-off. The working class won?t back down on its rightful demands, but 
the political elite refuses to compromise. As in the Post Office and on the mines, 
agreements are ignored by the powerful.
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* Mzee - Tokologo African Anarchist Collective

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