SCHEFFER: Welcome to the Council on Foreign Relations here in New York. We have a very special evening tonight, with Madam Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda of the International Criminal Court, for a session that's entitled Prosecuting Sexual- and Gender-Based Violence; New Directions in International Criminal Justice. We have a Web -- this is live -- a Webcast. So we're not under the normal Chatham House rules here. And we are being broadcast on the Internet for the next hour.
I'm David Scheffer. I'm a professor at Northwestern University school of law and a former U.S. ambassador at large for war crimes issues during the 1990s, when I led the U.S. delegation in the U.N. talks concerning the International Criminal Court. This Council on Foreign Relations meeting is cosponsored with the American Bar Association's International Criminal Court project. And before I introduce Prosecutor Bensouda, I just want to mention something about that project. The ABA's International Criminal Court project is an independent initiative of the ABA to support the ICC and U.S.-ICC relations through advocacy, education and practical legal assistance.