Help Support the Pacific Crest Trail

With the recent release of the movie Wild, starring Reese Witherspoon, there has been a lot of attention called to the Pacific Crest Trail. In the biographical film, Witherspoon plays Cheryl Strayed, who decided to through hike the PCT while she was going through some personal crisis in her life. Now, the real Cheryl Strayed is calling on us to help support the trail in its time of need.

In the video below, we get a glimpse of just some of the outstanding landscapes that the PCT passes along its course, which starts at the U.S.-Mexican border in the south, and runs to the U.S.-Canadian border in the north. In total, the trail is an incredible 2663 miles (4285 km) in length, and passes through some of the most amazing wilderness locations in all of North America. But the PCT is also under constant threat from developers, big companies, and careless people who neglect the environment.

The Pacific Crest Trail Association is a non-profit that works tirelessly to protect the PCT. The organization could use our help to ensure that this great hiking route remains one of the best on the planet. If you can, volunteer some time, or donate some money, to help keep the Pacific Crest Trail a fantastic resource for outdoor enthusiasts now, and in future generations.

Check out the video below for more information, and then take a virtual walk on the PCT yourself.

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