(en) Turin. Presidio solidarity with the anarchist Nikos Romanos - Anarchist Federation Torinese (it)

[machine translation]

Saturday, December 6, the sixth anniversary of the assassination of the anarchist Alexis 
Grigoropoulos garrison at Balon in solidarity with the anarchist greek Nikos Romanos 26 
days on hunger strike to get frequantare college. ---- 10/13 Hours Via Andreis corner via 
Borgodora ---- The crime of power was on December 6, 2008. In the district of Exarchia in 
Athens a couple of policemen insulted a group of kids. Their response to one of them, 
Korkoneas, draws his gun and fires twice, killing Alexis Grigoropoulos. Alexis had 15 
years and was an anarchist. That day with Alexis was Nikos Romanos, his best friend. They 
had met at school, together had become anarchists. Nikos tried unsuccessfully to 
resuscitate Alexis. In court there goes, but the investigating judge says clearly that his 
friend was executed in cold blood. ---- At his funeral will shoulder the coffin of Alexis.

The death of the young anarchist sparked a revolt that shook the country. the
images of the Christmas tree on fire in the central square
Syntagma, became the emblem of that December.

Five years later Nikos Romanos and three other anarchists are
arrested on suspicion of having taken part in two robberies Velvend?s in

They're all beaten to a pulp. Their faces bruised and bleeding do
around the world. The police, to hide the ferocity of the beating,
makeup photos. Nikos refuses to denounce his tormentors. the images
show him chained, pulled, her face swollen and bruised for
beatings, escorted by dozens of police officers who head-on
shouts "Viva Anarchy bastards! ". Through his lawyer releases
following statement: "My motives are political. I believe
prisoner of war. Do not consider myself a victim. Not sporger? complaint
against police officers who beat me. I wish
abuse I suffered sensibilizzassero public opinion."

Is accused of terrorism but even the PM recognizes Peponis recognizes
that the prosecution does not stand up and declare "And 'the first time attending a
robbery in which the hostages are released, with police breath on his neck.
Although they had available to them in abundance weapons did not fire
the cops chasing them nor they used the hostage as a shield to
take flight .... "To conclude then" For me there is no evidence for
substantiate the charge of training and membership organization
terrorist ".
In jail Nikos studies and manages to overcome the difficult entrance exams
university. In spring Nikos brilliantly passed the exams and is
admitted to the Faculty of Administration of the Health of Athens.
The President of the Republic and the Minister of Justice invited him
to congratulate and offer a prize of 500 Euros. Nikos refuses both
the meeting is the money.

Revenge of the state was immediate. The administration
prison changes the rules and bans to leave prison for
attend college.

Nikos decided to start a hunger strike in protest. after three
weeks is hospitalized surrounded by dozens of police
in weapons. As his condition worsened the ministry imposes on doctors
praticargli of force-feeding. The doctors tear the order.

Throughout Greece there are demonstrations in solidarity with Nikos. Tuesday
Athens ten thousand people cross the center and collide hard
with the police. The budget is numerous injuries and 14 arrests. buildings
public institutions and universities are occupied both in mainland Greece is
in Crete.

The government is in trouble, fears that a spill like the uprising in 2008
when the best friend of Nikos was shot dead by a policeman.

Nikos has decided not to give up. For a breath of freedom is willing to die.

The story of Alexis and Nikos is the emblem of the state of crime.
Of all States.


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