(en) Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle and the activists of the popular comities continue to contribute to the imminent end of 1967 occupation*

The approaching victory in the struggle to block the advance of the Zionist settler 
colonialist project and even to force it to retreat a bit do not make the real good people 
to like the enrolling of history. The approaching defeat make the Israeli elite take 
desperate steps and do its atrocities in the open. The efforts to transfer the Bedouins 
within 1948 borders and villagers in 1967 occupied territories escalate. The diminishing 
support of Israel by the imperial power due to changes in the dynamics of the region, 
world public opinions and economic losses it cause gradually change the power balance 
within the Israeli capitalist elite that may be expressed in the coming elections. On the 
ground, the joint struggle in Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Ma'asara, Nebi Saleh, Sheikh Jarah, Kadum, 
and South Of Hebron Hills, is gradually expanding to other locations even without the 
"shield" of Israeli activists.


Today in Bil'in demo 6 Israelis and about doze internationals joined dozens of Bil'iners. 
Due to changing wind many of us succeeded to resist the efforts of the Israeli armed tugs 
to disperse us for about an hour. However, when the wind changed to a western one most of 
us had to return to the village.
This 26-12-14 Friday in Bil'in demo. 5 Israelis and many international activists joined 
the Bil'iners in the march towards the lands returned and the new separation wall.
The Israeli armed forces stopped us with barrage of tear gas from even approaching the 
route of the dismantled separation fence. Taking advantage of the friendly northern wind 
many of us succeeded to around the armored cars and defied them in more than an hour of 

Turmus Ayya

In our weekly demonstration in Turmus Aya near Ramalah today , in spite all the terror of 
the Israeli occupation, we have succeeded to plant the olive trees and to raise our voice .
Bil'in activists participated in the demo in Turmus Ayya (where two weeks ago a 
Palestinian minister was murdered). Two Palestinians, one Israeli, and one international 
activist were arrested by the Israeli army today (19.12.14 in the peaceful demonstration 
in Turmus Ayya - Mohammad Al-Khatib (and another 3 activists). Abdallah Abu Rahma. was 
injured by a direct hit of a sound bomb.
Dozen and the other Palestinian were released s of citizens from suffocation and hit by 
rubber coated still bullets, after prayers on Friday afternoon, during clashes near the 
village of "Turmus'ayya"...The Israeli and the International activist released few hours 
later, Mohammed and the other Palestinian were released on Monday.
Activestills were there to capture it: http://bit.ly/1AB2CF9

Nabi Saleh

19-12-14 The weekly Friday demonstration in the village of Nabi Saleh launched this week 
from the center of the village, as protesters, villagers and solidarity activists a like 
marched together towards the expropriated spring. The IDF attempted to disperse the march 
with tear gas canisters and rubber-coated steel bullets. Soldiers raided the village, 
chasing after Palestinian teens. Several soldiers invaded a private residence, threatening 
to arrest the family?s children for throwing stones.
David Reeb http://youtu.be/dcS2DrMP038

Al Ma'asara

Musical Marsh in Al Maasara and a settler replies with live bullets.
The Peaceful Demonstration started from the center of Al Maasara Village, South of 
Bethlehem. This time the demonstration was with Musicians without Borders group who played 
music in an initiative to feel the Christmas in a place that is far few kilometers from 
the Jesus cradle.
The participants were singing and holding the Palestinian flag, when the demonstration 
reached the Road ?60? a settler started firing the protesters, he wanted to kill them.
Tens wounded due to the brutality of the Israeli army, locals and International supporters 
were attacked as they marched to the village's confiscated lands.
PSCC called for the activity to stand their ground and fight in honor of Ziad Abu Ain martyr.
Al Maasara, south of Bethlehem, is one of many villages that have developed Popular 
Committees to nonviolently resist construction of ?apartheid wall.? And this time the 
popular committee in Al Maasara called for punishment for the settler who wanted to kill 
the peaceful protesters.


Friday 25.12.2014
israelpnm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y9RW1WhKmQ


Friday weekly demonstration, 19.12.2014
Friday 25.12.2014
Hello everyone.
As we reached the village - well before the march started a strong smell of gas.flooded us.
Tearfully we realized the falsify statement that the occupation army fires the means of 
dispersing "Rioting" gas only on "processions without permission" and "illegal 
demonstrations". They shoot just because they can.
On Friday, participated in the demonstration "a senior Fatah official of Qalqilya and 
Nablus" and the demonstration was Particularly festive. Less solemn and dignified was the 
conduct of the army of occupation. The army was waiting inside the village leaving far 
behind the lines the forbidden road.
The amount of gas that was fired yesterday in Qadum was unusual even to the experienced of 
us.The whole Village was shrouded in gas. Plenty of gas. They fired stun grenades, 
rubber.coated steel bullets and even the first time regular live ammunition (not the 22 
kind). Several people were hurt after inhaling tear gas or heated by canisters and were 
treated on the spot. The leg.of one Palestinian youth was hit by a live bullet. The bullet 
entered on one side of the leg and came out on the other side. Non-lethal crowd-control 
measures? Not even their according to their claims. Do I meet the criminal shooter in 
Salem? Not likely. It seems that everything is possible these days.The tear gas clouds 
finally dissipated and it was probably the signal to use to spray the skunk stench water 
so its mark will remain for days.

In Qassum the Qadumians know to protect their home. Some older women moved forward and 
stood at the edge of the demonstration not far from the main crowd, one carrying a prayer. 
A group of girls cheerfully advanced with signs - advancing and retreating, back and 
forth. Will this be a feminist women's demonstration ? Not.But it was a pretty sight.
I wish recovery to the injured.And thanks to Abdullah Qadumi for this video.

Don't Say We Didn't Know 433

On Wednesday morning December 10th, 2014, Border Policemen in Hebron fired teargas near 
the Kiton Checkpoint (209), not far from the Palestinian elementary school Ibrahimiya. The 
gas penetrated the schoolhouse and the principal had to send the children home. One child 
was hospitalized. On the next day the Israeli forces repeated the action and fired teargas 
grenades. At Hadiya three teargas grenades landed at the entrance of the school, in Al 
Khalil four teargas grenades landed in the schoolyard. A child was physically hurt from a 
teargas grenade and hospitalized. Both schools were closed.

On Monday, December 8th, 2014, Israeli government agents escorted by police demolished the 
Bedouin village of Al Arakib in the Negev once more.

According to the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality?s home demolition statistics, 
there were 859 Negev Bedouin homes demolished between July 2013 and June 1014!
78% were demolished by the owners under threat by the inspectors that if they didn?t 
demolish their homes themselves, the State would demolish them, and the owners would have 
to pay the State?s demolition costs.
On Wednesday, government representatives escorted by police came to demolish homes in 
Bedouin localities in the Negev. In Tel Arad, north of Kseife, a large addition to a 
mosque was destroyed. In A-Zarnug, north of the Beer Sheva ? Dimona highway, they 
demolished two structures. In Al-Ghara, west of Nevatim air force base, they demolished a 
structure, and in Laqiya, they demolished a structure.
For further information: amosg@shefayim.org.il

* From my blog at: http://ilanisagainstwalls.blogspot.com
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall 
take part in.
See also: Stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution
http://awalls.org http://ilan.shalif.com/anarchy/glimpses/glimpses.html

Ahdut (Unity) blog: http://unityispa.wordpress.com/
Ahdut (Unity) Position paper about the Palestinian struggle
English - http://www.anarkismo.net/article/27019
Arabic - http://www.ahewar.org/debat/show.art.asp?aid=430180

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