(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - Anti-patriarchy, Montpellier - Another Future - Stop anti-feminism, homophobia and transphobia! -- The problems the speech (fr, it, pt)

(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups -
Anti-patriarchy, Montpellier - Another Future - Stop anti-feminism,
homophobia and transphobia! -- The problems the speech.... (fr, it,
pt) [machine translation]

The book "The artificial reproduction of a sniffed n "and the words of Alexis Escudero not 
a set of information on Medically Assisted Procreation (PMA) for a real debate on this 
issue. Instead, his speech is of great violence for feminists, gays, lesbians and 
trans-persons identity, sowing much confusion and developing reactionary theses. ---- 
Turning the debate from the angle of the technique and its excesses, he forgets the 
reality of the persons concerned and real political issues related to MAP techniques: 
issue of filiation and parenthood, the conditions for equal access to technical LDCs, the 
difficulties experienced by people in a course of PMA (access to information, medical 
power affect women's bodies ...).

Alexis Escudero the occult are relations of domination of men over women and homophobia 
that characterize the patriarchal society in which we live. He gives u only conservative 
view of family and gender relations and equates criticism of essentialism conducted by 
feminists wish for a "biological standardization of individuals." It promulgates and a 
fear of gender differentiation, in the same way that speech conspiracy n ists 
anti-feminist and homophobic.

If he opposes the PMA for everyone, it is particularly rejects its openness to lesbians 
couples, which would mark the transition to a PMA he calls " convenience ", similar term 
used by anti-abortion reactionaries talk about " abortion comfort "to limit access to 
abortion. The author completely negates the inequality of rights is access to LDCs for 
straight couples but not for lesbians couples.

The feminist struggles are on the issue of women reclaiming their body and their life 
choices are diverted by the assimilation of abortion and all the techniques of LDCs 
eugenic methods . In addition, hi?rarchis e l es struggles and contrasts, systematically 
reducing the equal rights and the issue s LGBT to "societal rattles" on merchants interest 
balance. The text unfolds generalities and caricature LGBT struggles represent a dangerous 
and powerful lobby.

Rather than focus on the real social uses of technology, s es theses are dealt out on a 
prophetic tone, from a nt in a science fiction of the worst. Escudero and brings a lot of 
confusion at a time when we would especially need to clarify some debates about sexism, 
homophobia and transphobia. A u name of the fight against capitalism and for an 
essentialized Nature, he joined the arguments of the "AKI for all." Moreover, the extreme 
right sites relayed his comments and supported themselves on it to justify their positions.

Faced with the rise of anti-feminism, homophobia, lesbophobia and transphobia in "The AKI 
For All" but also in the whole society, we invite especially vigilant towards the speeches 
confusionists that spread everywhere.

The group Another Future for the Coordination of Anarchist Groups


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