[machine translation]
On October 16, demonstrations were organized by the CGT, often in isolation, on Social
Security and against austerity (for some regional federations and unions). These events
were a failure, alas. What conclusions can be drawn in rallying in the streets to working
people and the unemployed? ---- In Paris, the morning of the 16th, the general union CGT
book (which also had blocked the exit of the national dailies) organized a rally in front
of the dynamic leadership of Team to support the fight against employees in a change of
collective agreement. 250 workers for this occupation a success. At the same time the CGT
Metallurgy resumed his account of what had become a tradition: a rally in front of the
Auto Show. In previous years, these gatherings convened by company unions in struggle
(Continental, Goodyear, PSA-Aulnay ...) gathered a thousand workers determined to enter
into force in the lounge, which caused violent clashes with police. These combative
rallies were held without any help from the federation. This year, the federation decided
to call, but too late ... less than 200 people, including many political activists outside
the profession. The story carries meaning.
The will to unite
Mobilization can not be decreed by the union leadership. That's when workers are fighting
the union leadership can help (or not) to maximize mobilization. Although the SGC provides
the largest contingent of protesters in general, the desire to unite the most widely is
right and necessary. Lean processions of 16 October reminiscent. From this point of view,
it is useful to question the CFDT. In contrast, submit its choice to the decisions of the
CFDT is not tenable any longer. Management confederal CGT draws a first positive
assessment of bilateral meetings that she wanted to take this fall by refusing the idea of
an inter offered by FSU then by Solidarity. Management confederal CGT refused where an
inter-CFDT would not come! And now announces that the joint work with the CFDT is possible
but the conditions for Inter are still not satisfied!
Social Dialogue
The CGT must break with this wait and choose to build the Inter struggle that is possible:
CGT-FSU-Solidarity with the possibility that the FO joins at least on some occasions. This
Inter could then launch a plan for a real mobilization, not a helpless Quarterly day but
why not a week of strikes, protests and blockades?
The debate on the famous "social threshold" hides much worse. MEDEF in negotiations
between "social dialogue" with uncompromising political declaration calling for an end of
social law based on a vision of "class struggle" and the end of the hierarchy of norms in
favor of vague law framework declined "freely "in industries and companies. He claims a
merger / destruction of representative bodies (staff representatives / committee
cntreprise (EC) / EC groups / HSC). Six working sessions are planned until December and
the government warned it was prepared to legislate on failure ... The worst is still ahead
of us.
Jean-Yves (AL Seine-Saint-Denis)